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Sea of Stars: How to Beat Elder Mist

There is often a preference for straight-up damage capabilities and speed over strategy and patience. The question is, what happens if every attempt to attack fails? Would it be possible to move the target to the right? Continue reading to find out how to beat Elder Mist in Sea of Stars without spoiling anything.

Sea of Stars: How to beat Elder Mist

In Sea of Stars, Elder Mist is one of the first bosses you will encounter. It is he who is the boss of the Elder Mist Trials, a set of challenges that will test your combat and puzzle-solving skills. A sword-wielding boss will appear once you’ve completed the quest. There is no doubt that you will want to slam him with everything you have. In spite of this, you will be surprised at how many attacks he will block.

When you target Elder Mist, you will eventually discover that you can instead target his sword. To temporarily disable his sword, you will need to hit it with your most powerful attacks. There are two major reasons why this is important. The Elder Mist will be left vulnerable as a result. Additionally, it will prevent him from using the Counter Slash attack, which will heavily damage your party.

It is important to note that with the Elder Mist’s sword becoming more powerful, he will only be able to deal with his Fist Slam attack, which will harm one of your party members at a time. There is no need to worry about this attack being as deadly as the Counter Slash, so you can just give it a go and concentrate on damaging the Elder Mist rather than healing yourself. Eventually, he will attempt to heal his sword with a blue orb, so you must attack it in order to prevent him from doing so. If necessary, repeat this process as many times as necessary, heal if necessary, and you will be able to defeat the Elder Mist.

You should probably focus on dealing with Lunar and Solar attacks in order to defeat the Elder Mist even faster. He is highly vulnerable to these kinds of attacks, so you should focus on dealing with them first. Once you defeat him you will gain the ability to move time forward and backward, which will allow you to solve Eclipse puzzles.

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