Tag: PS4 Gaming Review

Posted in Games Reviews

The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo (PS4) Review

With its hand-animated presentation, the Many Pieces of Mr. Coo is a strange point-and-click adventure game that…

Posted in Games Reviews

Gameplay and Character Depth in Anonymous Code (PS4)

In Anonymous;Code, a young hacker named Pollon Takaoka is a member of a group called Nakano Symphonies….

Posted in Games Reviews

Retro Side-Scrolling Action in Ganryu 2 (PS4)

It’s a brutally tough side-scrolling action game reminiscent of the days when we didn’t know any better…

Posted in Games Reviews

OutRun (PS4): A Real Splash

Yu Suzuki traveled Europe ten years ago to research exotic backgrounds for OutRun. As with WipEout, indie…

Posted in Games Reviews

PS4 Wonder Boy Collection – Two Arcades and Two Mega Drives

As Ryuichi Nishizawa explained in Retro Gamer Issue 124’s ‘A Westone Retrospective,’ Westone designed Wonder Boy to…

Posted in Games Reviews

Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster for PS4 – One of the Greatest 2D Rpgs Ever Made

Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster on PS4 is a timeless 2D RPG widely regarded as one of…