Category: Mobile Games

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Nintendo: Everything You Need to Know

Way back in 2004 in Japan, it was scheduled to be released and then gradually in Europe,…

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Retro Games: Why We Still Play Them

People have asked me why I still play retro games when there are newer games that look…

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The Sims 3 game review

In The Sims 3, players can create over a million unique characters. Creating characters gives players full…

Posted in Card Games Games Mobile Games PC Games Reviews Wii

Play Toy Story and Pokemon Games

Apart from providing pleasant entertainment, computer games can also be educational. Children and adults can play arcade-phase…

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Tips for Obtaining a Free Minecraft Account

Minecraft definition and gaming advice A remarkable single-player and multiplayer role-playing game (RPG), Minecraft was developed by…

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Games Like Sudoku and Cars Are Highly Beneficial

With educational online games, online gaming has changed! Parents began to worry about the outcome when children…

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Kids learn better through games

Nowadays, you can play lots of interactive games. Through strategic learning, you can help your kid grow…

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Online Games

Approximately 217 million people play video games around the world. Whether it is young kids, men, women,…

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Evolution of Games

Games have existed for centuries. Online games are possible because of technology, it ranges from gender-based ones…

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How Effective Are Video Games at Improving Cognitive Skills?

The act of cognition involves receiving information from the conscious mind and processing it to extract meaning…

Posted in Games Mobile Games

Why Angry Birds Is So Popular

One of the most popular mobile games is Angry Birds. The gameplay involves hungry pigs that steal…

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Play cake baking games to improve your skills!

Both kids and adults love playing cake baking games. Basically, cake baking games let you bake virtual…

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Playing Super Mario Games

Super Mario games are no longer exclusive to consoles. Super Mario games have penetrated the web since…

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Video Games For Adults That Trains Their Brains

There has been a misconception that video games are only for children. In spite of the fact…

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Gamers’ Benefits

Why is mobile gaming so popular? Are the games simplistic yet addictive? Perhaps it’s because the games…

Posted in Card Games Games Magic The Gathering Mobile Games Nintendo Switch PC Games PlayStation Reviews Wii

Play Online Bike Games

Online bike games have become a popular leisure activity. Today, children can play numerous online games. Online…

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Gaming – A Great Way to Spend Time

Gaming has exploded because young and adults can play.  The good news is that most are free….

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Video Game Industry

Early video games were mostly computer games and playing them on a computer is a must. Interacting…

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Fun Fishing Games to Play Online

Fishing games are probably going to be your thing if you love fishing. For most people, fishing…

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Retro Video Games

The popularity of video games has increased immensely over the last three decades. It is one of…