Minecraft: Tame a Fox

Tame a Fox and Breed Them

Adding a sly sidekick to your adventures in Minecraft is easy if you know how to tame a fox, and who wouldn’t want one? They aren’t just cute companions in Minecraft; they can sometimes bring you items and even help you fight off attackers. You can breed them once you’ve tamed them, so you’ll have a larger collection of animals. If you want to find out more about taming a Minecraft fox, we’ve got all the details.

Minecraft Fox Location

The Minuscraft fox is a nocturnal animal, which means that anyone beginning a search will have to do so in the dark. A newcomer will want to be sure they are able to fend off something that might want to turn his or her new pet into dinner before they go fox hunting. Of course, things get a little more dangerous when you’re around at night.

Because foxes prefer to nest in leafy forests at night, they can be found in taiga biomes at night. The following taiga biomes are home to foxes: the taiga biome, the giant tree biome, and the snow biome. If there are taiga villages in your world, you can find them too. Fox cubs spawn occasionally, and if you’re in the snow taiga biome, the foxes are white instead of the classic russet tails.

Tame a Fox

The night has fallen and you’ve found a fox, but they keep running away from you. As with other skittish creatures in Minecraft, foxes are shy, so you must sneak up on them to approach them. In order to bridge the gap between humans and foxes, make sure you have some Minecraft Glow Berries or Sweet Berries on hand. Foxes love this stuff, so make sure you have plenty before sneaking up on them. It will be easy to tell they have received your gift when little hearts bloom overhead.

If you do this enough times – we found that four to six helpings of Glow Berries or Sweet Berries did the trick – the happy critter will become tamed and your friend. You can breed two foxes if you feed them both Berries in the same vicinity and tame them both! Trusted foxes will occasionally bring you items they pick up in their mouths and though we mostly received feathers, we’re sure there are other cool items they can bring you if given the chance.

Minecraft Tames Bred Foxes

You would have to throw Glow Berries (or Sweet Berries) into a vacuum to tame an army of foxes in Minecraft, but there is one simple saving grace: fox cubs from tamed foxes will automatically be tamed.

If you use those Berries on the original breeding pair of foxes, their offspring will automatically become tame and warm up to you once that is done. It seemed that they were quick to flee when the sun rose, so you should fence them in if you plan to keep a large fox pack. You won’t have to worry about having a hanger-on when you’re knee-deep in enemy combat since fox cubs will stick close to their parents instead of following the player around. We’d like to keep cubs out for now, as foxes that are trusting enough will harm enemies who harm you.

Having tamed a fox in Minecraft, you now have a better understanding of how to tame one. Just venture forth into your favorite biome and pick up some loyal pets. You just need Berries, patience, and supplies to find these furry, soon-to-be friends at night.

Author: Jim Torralba