Is Ditching Dex the Ultimate Move in Cyberpunk 2077’s Heist Mission?

Contemplating whether to give Dex the pink slip during your Heist mission escapade in the thrilling world of Cyberpunk 2077 might initially feel like an epic crossroads, but the truth is, it won’t be a looming specter haunting your every move for long. The repercussions of betraying Dex are fairly contained, primarily confined to the Heist mission itself. Once that chapter concludes, there won’t be any lingering shadows cast over your journey. No prolonged anxiety to wrestle with, no matter which path you ultimately tread. Nonetheless, it’s always a prudent move to arm yourself with knowledge and insights to make an informed choice.

For all the weight that surrounds this critical decision, its impact may not be as seismic as it first seems. While backstabbing a fixer carries substantial weight in the gritty urban sprawl of Night City, the aftermath tends to be transient. Yet, it’s a window into the depths of your character, offering a glimpse into the moral compass of your V and their unwavering determination to achieve their goals. In the sections ahead, I’ll embark on a deep dive into the consequences of opting to sever ties with Dex in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, or staying loyal. We’ll also explore whether betraying Dex aligns with Evelyn Parker’s interests and how it shapes the course of the Heist itself.

So, should you ally with Evelyn Parker and give Dex the cold shoulder in the immersive world of Cyberpunk 2077?

The opportunity to betray Dex presents itself during a crucial conversation with Evelyn Parker, following the braindance sequence featured in the aptly named mission, “The Information.” This is the pivotal moment when you analyze the braindance to extract valuable information about the planned robbery, orchestrated by none other than Dex himself. As you wrap up this pivotal encounter and prepare to depart, Evelyn subtly floats the idea of cutting Dex out of the equation, allowing you and her to split the spoils. Meddling with fixers, in theory, runs counter to the unspoken code of conduct in Night City—a code that most inhabitants adhere to faithfully. During this juncture, your dialogue choices enable you to either signal your intention to deliberate on the matter or firmly reject the notion. It’s worth noting that, at this stage, the words you choose won’t drastically alter the course of events.

In the gritty world of Cyberpunk 2077, the choice to cut Dex out of the Heist mission may seem monumental, but it’s a decision with relatively short-lived consequences. While it sheds light on your character’s values, it won’t burden you with lasting stress. So, aligning with Evelyn Parker to give Dex the cold shoulder can be a strategic move, as long as you’re prepared for the ripple effects it may create within the thrilling narrative of Night City.

Author: Verl Sales