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Playing Rhythm Games: Graphics Tablet

Whether a mouse or a graphics tablet is better for rhythm games depends on the individual player and their playstyle. However, many professional rhythm game players prefer to use graphics tablets.

Here are some of the advantages of using a graphics tablet for rhythm games:

More precise aim

Graphics tablets allow players to aim more precisely and accurately than mice. This is because players can use the tip of the pen to directly control the cursor, rather than having to move the entire mouse.

Faster reaction time

Graphics tablets can also help players to react faster. This is because players can simply tap the pen on the tablet to click, rather than having to lift and click a mouse button.

More comfortable grip

Graphics tablets can also be more comfortable to grip for long periods of time than mice. This is because players can hold the pen in a more natural position.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using a graphics tablet for rhythm games:

Learning curve

There can be a learning curve involved in using a graphics tablet for rhythm games. Players need to learn how to use the pen accurately and how to adjust the tablet settings to their liking.


Graphics tablets can be more expensive than mice.


Graphics tablets are not as portable as mouse. This can be a disadvantage for players who travel frequently to gaming tournaments or events.

Overall, graphics tablets offer a number of advantages for rhythm game players. However, players should consider their individual needs and playstyle before deciding whether to use a mouse or a graphics tablet.

If you are new to rhythm games, I recommend starting with a mouse. Mouse are more affordable and portable than graphics tablets, and they can be just as effective for playing rhythm games at a beginner or intermediate level. However, if you are serious about rhythm gaming and want to compete at the highest level, you may want to consider switching to a graphics tablet.

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