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Starfield’s Ultimate Arsenal: Top Ship Weapons!

The finest Starfield ship weapons can transform your small spaceship into a fearsome powerhouse, offering a wide array of lasers, missiles, cannons, suppressors, turrets, particle beams, and more. But what distinguishes these weapons, and which ones are best for your ship? In the following paragraphs, we’ll clarify the various ship weapons in Starfield and spotlight the top choices, helping you craft the most formidable spacecraft in the universe.

Discovering the Best Starfield Ship Weapons and Where to Find Them

Unless you have a specific strategy in mind, the standout Starfield ship weapons are undoubtedly the particle beam weapons. You can typically find them at the more upscale Starfield shipyards, like those found in Neon. What sets these weapons apart is their unique ability to deal equal damage to both shields and hull, unlike most other weapon types, which tend to prioritize one over the other. This makes particle beam weapons incredibly versatile and lethal. You might even consider ditching other weapon types during your Starfield ship customization and outfitting your ship solely with several particle-beam weapons to maximize damage and simplicity, rather than opting for the usual mix of lasers, ballistics, and missiles.

An In-Depth Look at All-Starfield Ship Weapon Types

Starfield offers several ship weapon types, each serving a distinct purpose in combat against enemy spacecraft. Below, we’ve provided explanations for all of them. Keep in mind that some weapons can belong to more than one category (for instance, a turret that fires lasers specifically).

Understanding these diverse weapon types will aid you in selecting the ideal arsenal for your Starfield spacecraft, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any interstellar encounter.

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