Lock Picking in the Extraterrestrial Frontier of Starfield

Learning how to unlock doors in Starfield can be tricky because Digipicks are a new way to open locks, and there’s no clear guide. You basically have to figure it out on your own. But don’t worry, once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier to understand. With my help, you’ll be opening locks in no time without wasting any Digipicks.

Starfield Lockpicking Explained

  • Locks in Starfield have layers with holes that you can remove using the pins on the Digipick.
  • Clearing a layer of holes makes it disappear, allowing you to access the next layer. Clear all the layers, and the lock opens.
  • When matching pins to holes, any holes that don’t have a matching pin will stay there. So, if you don’t clear a layer all at once, the remaining holes must match the pins you have left, or you won’t progress.
  • If you improve your lockpicking skill, you can highlight all the layers a pick will fit in, saving you from testing each one individually.

How Lockpicking Works in Starfield

So, to put it simply, Starfield lockpicking involves using Digipicks to match pins with holes in a circular lock. Align the pins with the holes, and they cancel each other out. After clearing all the holes in a layer, you move on to the next one. The key is to plan ahead and figure out the best way to clear each layer because you can’t always clear a layer all at once. Be careful not to leave holes without matching pins, as it can block your progress. Upgrading your lockpicking skill will help you identify which layers a Digipick fits into, making things easier.

For example, in the lock above, these two sets of pins match the first layer:

It doesn’t matter in what order you use these two options; what’s important is that they clear the first layer without any holes left. Always think about how to clear a layer before you make your move to avoid getting stuck.

No matter which order you use those two highlighted options, the important thing is that they clear the first layer without any holes left. It’s possible to mess up and leave holes that don’t match any pins, so always plan how to clear a layer before you make a move.

Once you’ve cleared the first layer, you’ll deal with the second one in a similar way:

Again, the order in which you use the pins doesn’t matter, as long as they together clear all the holes. As you level up your Security skills and face more complex locks like Advanced, Master, and Expert ones, you’ll encounter more complicated layers and pins. However, the core principles remain the same: use the pins to clear the holes, making sure you always leave patterns behind that you can still match. You do have a few chances to undo mistakes, but it’s generally better to test all your options and confirm what works before making a permanent choice.

How to Get More Digipicks in Starfield

Unfortunately, as of now, the only reliable way I’ve found to get Digipicks in Starfield is to find them. You might come across a few for sale here and there, but it’s not enough to maintain a steady supply. So, the best way to get them is by raiding random bases you encounter. If you do this regularly, you should have plenty of Digipicks to use.

Author: Verl Sales