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How to Increase City Cap in Age of Wonders 4

In order to become a real pro in Age of Wonders 4, it will take a lot of careful planning and managing of resources, population, and the army to start with. One of the core elements that your empire will be based on is the cities.

You probably already know that, like heroes and some other things, cities also have a cap, and if you go over that cap, you will pay penalties/higher upkeep. That’s why it’s vital for you to always be in balance and not exceed the limits that the game sets for you. In that regard, we have investigated what are the best ways you can increase your city cap in Age of Wonders 4, and here are the results.

Best Ways to Increase Your City Cap in Age of Wonders 4

City cap can be increased in a couple of ways in Age of Wonders 4. The first and easiest way is through the Empire Development tree, where you can select the “Expanded Governance” nod on the left side of the General branch. You will need to pay with Imperium to increase your city cap by 1, and the cost of this upgrade will increase the more you use it.

The second way you can increase the city cap is to select the Adept Settlers trait, which increases the city cap by one at the start of the game. The last way is through mods. There will undoubtedly be many mods created in the near future, and if you are a player who wants to build many cities, look for those that will allow you to increase the city cap much easier.

Lastly, another option to increase your city cap in Age of Wonders 4 is by upgrading outposts, absorbing minor nations, and conquering your rivals through warfare. But these methods do still require you to increase your city cap via development.

You will always be able to see your current city limit in the top bar, marked with a little citadel icon.

Do You Really Have to Make a Lot of New Cities?

Creating many cities isn’t exactly the goal of Age of Wonders 4. Instead, try and use what you have in the best possible way you can. Whenever your city cap is reached, focus on developing settlements you already have. Growing populations enable them to annex nearby areas as they grow.

The best place to build a new city if you want to increase your city cap is somewhere strategically important. Be sure to build it near important resources, in a place that’s not too open so that you can defend yourself easily, and, most importantly, make sure it’s connected to your other settlements so that the enemy cannot cut off your new city.

In Age of Wonders 4, How Big Do Cities Get?

Age of Wonders 4 allows cities to grow organically. Unlike in Age of Wonders: Planetfall, they won’t suddenly explode in population and cover an entire sector. The population of cities in Age of Wonders 4 will reach a maximum of 15 and the number of provinces will reach 15. As a result, expansion is confined to specific resources and defense points, allowing you to manage and contain your empire more effectively.

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