Starfield Game Review

Starfield, the highly anticipated sci-fi RPG from Bethesda Game Studios, represents the studio’s first foray into original intellectual property in several decades. Renowned for their creation of expansive open-world RPGs such as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, Bethesda’s dive into the science fiction genre generated an immense wave of excitement among fans. Starfield promised cutting-edge technology, space exploration, and an unwavering commitment to quality, stoking the flames of speculation and anticipation within the gaming community. The game’s development remained shrouded in secrecy, with occasional glimpses like concept art, underscoring the studio’s dedication to delivering a polished experience. For myself and many others, the prospect of delving into the mysteries of the cosmos and embarking on epic interstellar adventures in Starfield’s universe was a thrilling prospect.

As one would expect from a Bethesda game, Starfield ticks all the familiar boxes. It offers a rich narrative with a multitude of characters, extensive dialogue options, and an abundance of side-quests branching from the main storyline. Players can align themselves with various in-game factions or make them adversaries, assembling a diverse group of companions who can accompany them, one at a time. Throughout their journey, players’ decisions will significantly influence the game and their role within it. Whether one prefers to be a persuasive diplomat or a relentless force of destruction, the choice is theirs, although the latter may present more formidable challenges.

Starfield’s character creation system provides an impressive level of personalization and choice. The ability to finely tune character appearances adds an extra layer of customization. I set out to craft a character resembling the actress Gal Gadot, and it’s amusing how certain character presets with pre-made appearances bear striking resemblances to familiar faces, such as Billy from Stranger Things. Moreover, Traits allow players to select three distinct traits that shape their character’s abilities and characteristics. These traits offer both advantages and disadvantages, adding depth to the character-building experience. Notably, Starfield offers the option to modify character appearances through genetic facilities in the game, providing cosmetic changes like gender and skin tone adjustments for a fee. The game’s emphasis on crafting is also praiseworthy, with gear and equipment upgrades available through mod slots, granting players a level of control over their character’s equipment.

Exploration takes center stage in Starfield, emerging as one of its standout and most rewarding gameplay elements. The game’s abundance of collectible items particularly appeals to players like myself who relish in hoarding. I started collecting various succulents and displayed them in the dream home I acquired by choosing a Trait during character creation. However, the necessity of traversing planets on foot due to ship limitations can be time-consuming, especially given the absence of land vehicles or the ability to mount creatures, which would have been welcome additions to the game. Nevertheless, the true excitement lies in the prospect of exploring over 1,000 planets, each featuring unique locations and cities that players will revisit throughout their journey, even after completing the main quest.

Starfield’s overall visuals are nothing short of breathtaking, living up to the promises made in the pre-release videos. The level of realism achieved is truly captivating, seamlessly blending innovation with creativity to create a cosmic tapestry that is not only stunning but also incredibly immersive. Each celestial body, whether teeming with life or appearing barren, is meticulously designed to convey the grandeur and wonder of space. It’s remarkable how even on seemingly lifeless planets, hidden secrets await discovery, adding layers of intrigue to interstellar exploration and making every planet visited a unique and awe-inspiring experience.

In summary, Starfield stands as a stellar addition to Bethesda’s RPG legacy. It fulfills the promise of a vast, immersive universe brimming with engaging narratives, memorable companions, and intricate character development. The options for character customization, crafting, and the attention to detail in spacecraft design add depth to the gameplay experience. Despite minor frame rate considerations on consoles, Starfield’s deliberate design choices make it a must-play for sci-fi RPG enthusiasts. The prospect of exploring over 1,000 planets invites players to embark on an extraordinary interstellar journey filled with mystery, camaraderie, and wonder. This game transports players on an extraordinary odyssey beyond the stars.

Author: Rencie Veroya