Baldur’s Gate 3 Hirelings and How to Recruit Them

Hirelings Can Be Recruited From Withers Once They Arrive

You can replace your companions with Baldur’s Gate 3 Hirelings. You can use Withers if you don’t want to risk your friends’ lives in a particularly dicey boss fight, or you’d like to try another class before committing to a spec. Each playable class has a Hireling, so you have plenty to try out. Here’s what you need to know about Hirelings.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Hirelings

Hirelings are resurrected warriors that can fight alongside you. It is possible to recruit an extra pair of hands to help out at your camp after unlocking Withers, either by completing the Dank Crypt dungeon or simply by waiting until it reaches completion. To choose your Hireling, simply talk to Withers and give him the coin.

Hirelings are undead soldiers and if they die in battle, they are dead for good. Luckily, Withers always has plenty on hand.

What is the purpose of Hirelings? In Baldur’s Gate 3, we have no shortage of companions, so why would we swap one out for a Hireling? You will need Hirelings in case one of your cohort members passes away, in which case you need to fill the ranks.

A Wither can resurrect a party member in Baldur’s Gate 3, but only under certain circumstances. Withers could refuse to resurrect your party members if you kill them (a very real chance if you’re playing BG3 Dark Urge) or if they kill each other. That makes his supply of Level 1 undead soldiers even more valuable.

Baldur’s Gate 3 also lets you try out different playstyles before asking withers for help with class respecs. Taking a Hireling for a test drive could prove very educational if you are curious about the powers of monks, paladins, and sorcerors, which are not among your core companions. It’s important to remember, however, that Hirelings are just temporary foot soldiers that you can use or leave in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Author: Jim Torralba