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Armored Core 6: Best Build to Beat Cataphract

The Armored Core 6 is the place to be if you’re looking for some good ol’ fashioned boss fights from FromSoftware. When you have played any of the previous AC games, you will know how frustrating it is when you are trying to win fights against certain enemies in this game. However, victory never tastes so good once you take the time to download the enemy moveset and modify your AC. Players will be charged with destroying one of the PCA’s flashy toys at some point in the narrative. So let’s start the mission and examine the best Armored Core 6 construct to defeat Cataphract.

Armored Core 6 Build to Beat Cataphract

As a large tank like an AC, the cataphract seems to be almost impenetrable from the outside owing to its size and shape. On closer examination, however, the mech appears to have a few disadvantages as well as some advantages. One of the most notable characteristics of the Cataphract is its sensitivity to aggressive frontal attacks. Because it is built on top of a simple bipedal AC part, we are able to take advantage of the lack of armor in this part up close due to the fact that it is built on top of a simple bipedal AC part. By constantly raining missiles and heavy kinetic weapons on you, the enemy will try to push you away from them.

Because of this, you must have a jetpack with fast boost so that you can close the gap quickly and deal massive damage. Moreover, you will also want to run short range firearms, such as shotguns, which deal a lot of damage to attitude when fired at short ranges. In order to deal the greatest amount of stagger damage to Cataphract, it is necessary to use a melee weapon or two, and we enjoyed using the base energy melee weapon for quick attacks that dealt good attitude damage. As a final point, you should be careful not to give Cataphract too much room during the fight, as this enemy benefits from having a long range battle if you give it enough space. You only need to stay close to this PCA and close the gap quickly, and he will be down in the dirt in no time at all.

Shotguns and pile bunkers are two close-range weapons that can harm the Cataphract. Its long-range attacks, including missiles and lasers, should be avoided and you should aim to narrow the gap as rapidly as you can. The optimal build for the Cataphract battle is one that incorporates missile launchers, close-range weapons, and excellent mobility. We hope that the article was helpful in your preparation for the boss battle with the Cataphract in Armored Core 6.

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