Mastering Chapter 4: Top Strategies for Conquering the Armored Core 6 IB-01: CEL 240 Boss Fight

Meet IB-01: CEL 240, the tough boss in Armored Core 6. Think of it like the Malenia of Elden Ring, but in this game. You’ll face it while trying to reach the Coral Convergence in Chapter 4. This enemy has given a hard time to everyone I know. Whether you’re new or experienced, I want to help you beat IB-01: CEL 240 by sharing some tips I’ve learned after stubbornly mastering the fight.

How to Beat IB-01: CEL 240

IB-01: CEL 240 moves fast, making it different from other bosses in Armored Core 6. Regular weapons don’t work well unless you catch it in its slower moments. So, don’t just shoot wildly; it won’t help. It’s good to have at least one gun that works from a decent distance, about 250 meters. If you’re not sure which weapons to use, check our guide to the best builds for your style.

The trick is to be ready to attack when the boss slows down. For me, using my sword during these moments worked great. Also, having a strong energy shield can help against its laser attacks if you’re into blocking. Keep the lock-on camera on all the time (tap the right stick if you’re using a controller) to make tracking the boss easier.

IB-01: CEL 240 Phase 1

At the start of the fight, CEL 240 always does the same move: shoots lasers in the air and then swings its sword. You can dodge the lasers by moving quickly left or right. Jumping or flying straight up is the best way to avoid the sword swing. The boss will pass under you, giving you a chance to hit back. After this move, many weapons can stagger the boss, dealing good damage. It will use this move again, so if you see it shoot lasers and fly up, get ready to dodge the sword swing. If you have tracking missiles, launch them after the laser attack; they’ll hit during the sword swing animation.

In phase one, the boss shoots lasers at you. Stay moving, and you’ll dodge most of them easily. But watch out for its powerful moves. One of these is when it sends energy waves with its sword. To dodge these, quickly boost away from the boss. This gives you enough space to jump, boost, or move aside. Avoid dodging left or right; it usually hits you there. Sometimes it sends out one wave, two waves in a V shape, or two waves in different directions. After the three-wave attack, it’s your chance to attack back.

Watch out for a tough move from CEL 240: the X-pattern wave attack. When it’s charged and launched, quickly boost right after it’s fired to avoid being tracked too much. You’ll know it’s coming when you see an X-shaped grid of lasers and the boss holds its blades in front.

CEL 240 can also charge up powerful beam attacks. It might shoot fast or a big AoE mortar. You can often dodge these by quickly boosting left. Since you’re not sure which beam it’ll be, flying up is safer to avoid splash damage. The fast beam is good because your tracking missiles hit the boss when it’s still. If your mech is slower, consider backing up when it charges to have more dodging space. Being farther helps dodge the beam better.

Phase 2 of CEL 240 Fight

In the second phase, CEL 240 gets tougher with more dangerous attacks and smaller chances to hit back. The laser rain followed by melee is trickier now, but a fast weapon or pre-firing from the right spot can still land a hit.

Look out for three new attacks in phase two, aside from the huge laser barrage starting the phase. Reload your guns manually here! You can dodge the three-part energy wave like before. Now, CEL 240 summons floating swords for sweeping attacks. They might claw diagonally or swing sideways. Flying up is best to avoid these, just like the opening melee. If it does a sideways swing, it follows with a vertical wave and then another swing.

It uses swords for a vertical heel-drop slice, dodge left or right for this.

The boss also uses swords to grab you up close, dealing big damage. If you see a circle of swords around you, quickly boost backward several times to escape before they close in.

Around half health in phase two, CEL 240 can turn into a light blade and lunge at you three times. Going up and down is key. Dodging left or right won’t help. Float up for the first, drop down for the second, then fly up again for the third. If your mech is good in the air, you might stay up. After this attack, there’s a big chance to hit. A good stagger can take a big chunk of health, making the rest of the fight shorter.

Once you reach this part of the boss fight, you’re on the right track to beating it. And even if you haven’t reached this point yet, I believe you will if you’ve come this far in the game. It’s tough, but with practice and getting used to the moves, you’ll get better. Best of luck, Raven! I really hope these tips have been useful for you.

Author: Verl Sales