Essential Tips for Total Fornite Newbies to Dominate the Game!

Getting some tips on how to play Fortnite before you jump into the battle can really help you out, especially if it’s your first time on the island. You probably know the main goal is to be the last player standing, but there’s a lot more to understand. There are different rules and things you can do. It might seem a bit confusing at first, especially if others have been playing for a long time. But if you give it a try, you might discover that Fortnite is a fun game.

We made a helpful guide for new Fortnite players. It’s like a reference to give you the basic information you need. Think of it as a strong base that you can build your skills on when you jump down to the island. Our team of Fortnite experts has spent a lot of time playing, and we’ve collected their best tips for you. This way, you’ll be well-prepared when you’re on the battle bus with 99 other players.

How to Play Fortnite for Beginners

Fortnite has changed over the years, especially in Season 3, but the main things you need to know are still the same. This beginner’s guide will show you how to start well and aim for your first victory. Keep reading for lots of tips that will help you play to your strengths. So get on the battle bus, say thanks to the driver, and get ready to jump into the fight.

1. Leave the Stuff on Spawn Island

When you begin on Spawn Island, you’ll see weapons and building materials around. You can pick them up, but you can’t take them with you to the main map. Consider Spawn Island as a practice area. You won’t be there for long since the game fills up with 100 players quickly. You can shoot others, but it won’t hurt them. You can also try building. More on that below.

2. Wait Before Jumping from the Battle Bus

You’ll hear the Battle Bus honk when it’s time to jump. Wait until it’s almost done flying, then jump. This way, there will be fewer players where you land. You won’t have as much competition for good stuff. Aim for a building, there might be valuable items inside. Just use your pickaxe to get in.

3. Your Glider Opens by Itself

When you’re falling from the Battle Bus, your glider will open when you’re high enough. You can’t make it open later. It folds up after you land. So be patient and head to a building as soon as you can.

4. Before Taking a Big Gulp of a Large Shield Potion, Have a Sip of the Small Ones

You’ll find blue bottles around the map – some are small and give you 25 shield points, while others are big and give you 50. To drink them, use the same button you press to shoot. But here’s the trick: if you have 50 or more shield points, you can’t use the small bottles anymore. So, have a quick drink of the small ones first to free up space in your backpack. If you have a big shield potion, you can use it anytime, even if your shield is already strong. So go ahead and open it up and drink!

5. Start With Assault Rifles or SMGs

When you’re just starting to learn Fortnite, stick to assault rifles or SMGs. Sniper rifles aren’t good for close combat, so keep them for long distances. When you’re up close and personal, go for shotguns. Shotguns deal a lot of damage and can often eliminate an enemy in one shot. So, if you’re exploring houses or small places, keep a shotgun ready.

6. Watch Out for Different Gun Rarities

Guns come in different rarities: gray is common, green is a bit rarer, blue is even rarer, purple is more so, and gold is the rarest and most powerful. Don’t ignore gold guns if you find them, they’re really strong. Press Up on the D-pad to check your inventory and see how much damage each gun does. This can help you decide which ones to keep.

7. Use Headphones When Playing

Put on headphones while you play. This helps you hear footsteps and gunshots better. Knowing where these sounds come from can save your character’s life. It gives you time to get ready, whether that’s switching to a different gun or building a wall for protection.

8. Build Walls Before You Heal

Whenever you’re healing or drinking shield potions, build walls around you. It takes time to heal, and you can’t move or defend yourself during that time. So, those walls can protect you from getting shot while you’re busy healing. The walls can even go into cliffs or hills, so you don’t need open space.

9. Be Careful When Falling From High Places

Unlike some other games, falling from a great height (more than three stories, which means three walls stacked on top of each other) hurts your character. It takes away some of your health. To avoid this, build ramps down from high places or slide down slopes.

10. Be Above Your Opponent in Fights

When things get tough and you’re in a fight with one of the other 100 players, try to be higher than them. Not in a climbing way, but in a strategic way. Build ramps to go up or jump a lot to make it hard for them to hit you. A good idea is to build walls around you and a ramp facing the enemy. This gives you a spot to shoot from and a way to escape. Keep building up to get an advantage.

11. Carry Grenades, Bandages, or Shields

Have at least one of these things ready. Grenades can destroy enemy cover, making them easy to shoot. Bandages and shields help you heal and protect yourself. Share them with teammates if needed.

12. Don’t Completely Chop Down Trees

Use your pickaxe to get wood from trees for building. But don’t chop the tree all the way. Leave a bit of the tree so others can’t track you easily.

13. Only Standard Grenades Now

In the past, there were many types of bombs in the game. But now, there’s only one kind of grenade. It’s simpler.

14. Choose the Right Game Mode

When you start the game, it might put you in a squad. You might want to play solo or with fewer players. Make sure you pick the mode you want before starting. You can also choose between different types of matches.

15. Crouch to Move Quietly

If you want to sneak around quietly, crouch. It makes less noise. This can help you surprise enemies or hide better.

16. Buy the Battle Pass For More Rewards

You can get some things for free, but the best stuff comes with the Battle Pass. It costs a bit of money, but you’ll get cool skins and more. You’ll need V-Bucks, which you can buy for real money. Then complete quests to earn rewards.

17. Use Your Pickaxe to Break Things

If you get stuck in a building or surrounded by your own creations, don’t worry. You can use your pickaxe to break almost anything. Just start smashing. But be cautious – the red circle icon means you’re making noise, and others can hear it. So, take your time to break out quietly.

18. Change Your Appearance and Items

All your outfits, stickers, dances, and more are in your Locker. You can switch them before each match. But remember, you can’t change these things during a match. So, make sure you’re happy with your choices before you start.

19. Collect Materials While Moving

Building is important in Fortnite. To build, you need materials like wood. You can get them by breaking things like trees, bushes, and furniture. Try different things to see what gives you the most materials. Collect materials while you move between places to have a lot when you need them.

This comprehensive beginner’s guide offers essential tips for newcomers to Fortnite. Covering everything from effective strategies in combat and building to maximizing shield potions and selecting the right weapons, the guide provides a strong foundation for success on the island. Whether it’s landing tactics, inventory management, or adapting to the dynamic environment, these tips ensure that new players are well-prepared for the challenges of the game.

Author: Verl Sales