Mastering Payphone Hits: Deadly Assassinations in GTA Online!

In GTA Online, learning how to access Payphone Hits means you can take on a different kind of job – becoming a hired shooter to carry out various assassinations. These tasks come your way through Franklin, who acts on behalf of important clients. To keep things secret, these jobs are assigned through public phones scattered around the city, making it hard to trace the source of the work. If you’ve played the GTA 5 Stock Market and Lester’s Assassination Missions before, you’ll recognize this idea. Franklin even mentions your past work with Lester when you step into the role of a hitman in GTA Online. These jobs don’t show up immediately, so here’s how to unlock them.

How to Unlock Payphone Hits in GTA Online

To open up Payphone Hits in GTA Online, first, set up your Agency business. Then, complete three Security Contracts. These contracts can be started from the computer in your office after you’ve registered as a CEO. It doesn’t matter which type of contract you do, and you can even do the same type more than once. After finishing three of them, Franklin will get in touch to let you know that you can now take on GTA Online Payphone Hits.

Finding Payphone Hits in GTA Online

To begin Payphone Hits, you need to find a ringing phone. Look for the blue telephone icon on your map when you’re near it. When you’re close, approach the phone and interact with it to take the call and get the details of the assassination. There are many public phones around, and any of them might ring unexpectedly. We’ve marked known Payphone Hits locations on the map to help you get started. If a phone isn’t ringing when you’re close, try moving to another spot. Alternatively, you can call Franklin directly to ask if there’s this kind of work available. This should put a Payphone icon on your map.

Completing GTA Online Payphone Hits

Once you’ve started a GTA Online Payphone Hit, you’ll receive info about your target(s). They’ll show up as red crosshair icons on the map. Pay attention to the Assassination Bonus, which you can check anytime by holding right on the d-pad. It boosts your payment a lot if you meet it. Achieving this bonus might also help you avoid getting a wanted level from the police or facing reinforcements sent to avenge the victim. Find your target(s), eliminate them, and then leave the area to finish Payphone Hits in GTA Online.

For each successful hit you complete in GTA Online, you’ll earn GTA$15,000. But here’s the exciting part – if you manage to achieve the bonus objectives, you’ll get an extra GTA$70,000 on top of that. The first time you nail the bonus objectives for each hit, you’ll even unlock a trophy on the shelves behind your Agency desk. It’s a cool way to show off your success!

  • The CEO: construction helmet
  • The Cofounder: Sticky Bomb
  • The Dealers: Merryweather-branded cap
  • The Hitmen: Coil logo trophy
  • The Judge: golf ball and tee
  • The Popstar: model Annis Euros
  • The Tech Entrepreneur: model Taxi
  • The Trolls: iFruit laptop computer with bullet holes

In the world of GTA Online, Payphone Hits offer a thrilling new dimension to the game, allowing players to become covert assassins for hire. Guided by Franklin, these secretive missions lead players to ring public phones, where they receive their assignments. By mastering these hits and meeting bonus objectives, players can earn substantial rewards and even collect trophies as tokens of their success. It’s an engaging and rewarding twist for those seeking a different kind of challenge within the game.

Author: Verl Sales