Troubleshooting GPU Problems

PC GPUs are some of the most expensive parts. So you’ve got to take good care of it. Your PC’s performance will determine how well your games run. You never know when it’ll break. It’s just how electronics work. It’s still a good idea to learn how to deal with GPU problems.

We’ve got the most common GPU problems and how to fix them.

1. Thermal Throttling & Overheating

This is one of the most common GPU issues that will eventually affect everyone sooner or later. Overheating and thermal throttling are the immediate consequences, of course.

The GPU overheats when it runs at a much higher temperature than its designed or safe temperature range. Hardware components can get it, but GPUs and CPUs are especially susceptible. A GPU will overheat if it can’t dissipate heat properly because of improper ventilation. GPUs that get too hot can have a number of problems, including reduced performance, instability, and in extreme cases, permanent damage.

Thermal throttling is your GPU’s way of protecting itself from that, which is when it dramatically reduces its performance and clock speed to avoid getting permanently damaged by heat. It will shut off and crash to protect itself if it’s too much for it to handle. Taking care of thermal throttling right away is the best solution, since you don’t want it to get worse.

You need to look at the ventilation going in and out of your GPU to figure out what’s causing thermal throttling. It could be a damaged fan, or you might need to remove it and replace the thermal paste. Taking your GPU to a technician might prevent permanent damage if you’re not sure why it’s thermal throttling.

2. Dropped Frames & Performance Issues

Performance drops for no apparent reason are one of the worst GPU issues. Imagine opening Steam and playing a game only for it not to run at its usual speed. The frame rate might be dropping or it might not be performing well. Then you’ll have to figure out why it’s happening and take action.

GPUs can run bad or not be sufficient to run something, but there’s a big difference. It’s possible that you’re trying out a new game and it’s running slow when, in reality, it’s just the game that’s too much for that GPU. PassMark or AIDA64 Extreme are good benchmarks to check if your GPU is performing well. Check Google to see what your GPU’s average score is if you haven’t run a benchmark before. You should probably do something if your score isn’t what it should be.

Check your GPU’s operating temperatures first if it’s running bad. We explain how to deal with thermal throttling in the first point if the GPU runs too hot. GPU usage is also something you can monitor. Overusing the GPU can cause a bottleneck.

Your GPU drivers might need to be updated too. Last but not least, reseating it and taking it out might work if nothing else works.

3. You Get a Black Screen

There’s nothing worse than this. You start a game, but just get a black screen instead. Black screens can happen mid-game or even in other apps, crashing your experience. There’s no hard part to finding the culprit here.

There’s probably nothing to do with thermals this time. Just make sure you check a few things. It’s probably a driver that’s out of date or has broken, so check if you can update your drivers. You might be able to fix it by reinstalling them or installing the latest version. Alternatively, you can try uninstalling any new hardware you installed and checking your monitor’s connection. Make sure your GPU is connected to its PCI Express slot and is getting power.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the GPU. Make sure your RAM is working, too. Try Safe Mode if you still haven’t found the culprit. You’ll get rid of all software problems. Physical damage to the GPU might be the cause if the issue persists.

4. Artifacts & Glitches

The last issue we’ve mentioned here is the least obvious, but it’s still one people run into quite often. Whenever you play your game, you’ll get nasty glitches and weird artifacts.

Start by checking the game files for corruption, which happens more often than you think. Use your game’s or launcher’s integrity verification tool if it’s available. Almost any launcher can be fixed and verified, and it’s worth it before uninstalling and reinstalling.

You can try the steps and tips in sections two and three if the issue persists.

It’s Easy To Troubleshoot GPUs

You might be having GPU problems for a few reasons. It’s easy to troubleshoot, but it’s not easy to find the issue. Many problems are related and caused by the same kinds of issues, so the same general steps are usually recommended. Go ahead and take it to a technician if you can’t do it yourself.

Author: Khate Dizon