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Revamp Your Game and Cat with These Top Stray Mods!

Change up your PC game with Stray mods – they’re like cool tweaks that can give your game a fresh look or even new stuff to do. People in the game-loving community have been busy making these changes, and some of them are super funny, like turning your cat into a dog, Garfield, or even CJ from Grand Theft Auto (yeah, it gets wild!). But there are also mods that totally change how the game feels, like a mode where you see everything from a cat’s point of view.

There are lots of Stray mods out there, but don’t worry, we’ve picked the coolest ones for you. You can make your game better or cuter, or you can make it silly for a while (but you might regret it later, just saying!). Before you try any mods, make sure you save a copy of your Stray folder so you can go back to normal if something goes wonky. Most of the mods we’re talking about here need you to replace some files in the game folder, and you can usually find that here:


We’ve gone through each mod individually and reminded you multiple times to back up your stuff. If your game ends up being a mess because your cat won’t stop farting and you have to reinstall it, don’t come saying we didn’t give you a heads up.

Now, there’s this one mod that’s on our radar, but we’re not featuring it just yet. It’s an early split-screen co-op mod. It looks promising, but right now it’s a bit too unpredictable and shaky. Hopefully, though, it’ll get more stable in the future.

For the time being, enjoy these cool Stray mods we’ve handpicked for you. See how you can jazz up the game with these changes. Just a heads up, these mods are for PC players only, so if you’re on PlayStation or Xbox with Stray, sorry, no luck here.

Stray Garfield Mod for Lasagna Lovers

In Stray, you control a ginger cat, and who’s the king of ginger cats? Garfield, of course! So, it’s a no-brainer to swap them. This mod is actually one of the smoother character switches since it’s a cat-for-a-cat deal. You’ll probably be able to play the whole game like this without much trouble. It’s the purr-fect fit for all the scratching Stray makes you do.

To give the mod a whirl, grab the files from the link and then dig around in your installation folder until you find the Stray Paks folder:


Make sure you keep a safe copy of your Pak files first. After that, extract and duplicate the Hk_project-WindowsNoEditor_Garfield file into the Pak folder. If you ever want to go back to the regular game, just delete the Hk_project-WindowsNoEditor_Garfield file. It’s smart to have a backup of it though, in case you need to undo things without a complete reinstall.

Let’s Dive Into the Stray CJ Mod for Some Gta-Style Cat Action

Here’s a super odd mod by Sirgalahad172 that lets you be CJ from GTA in Stray, but squeezed into a cat’s shape. It’s like a wild mix-up, and honestly, not something you’d want to play the whole game with. It might be good for about five minutes of laughs (though it messes up the beginning since it tries to turn all the cats into CJ, there’s only one cat model, and that gets swapped). To give it a shot, just grab the files from the link and then copy those Pak files into the Pak folder wherever your game lives. If you’re on Steam, find your installation folder, and follow this path:


IMPORTANT: BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, BACK UP THAT PAK FOLDER! This mod is called the Joke CJ Mod for a reason, and it’s not the smoothest ride. If you don’t have that backup of the Pak folder, you’ll be stuck with CJ until you go through the whole reinstall process.

Stray First Person Mod to See Things at Street Level

If you’re all in for the cat experience, this first-person mod is the way to go. It’s like seeing through a cat’s eyes. To make it happen, download the file and extract it right into your installation folder – usually something like Steam\Steamapps\Common\Stray. And hey, don’t forget the golden rule: back up your stuff before you tinker, so you can easily go back to normal without a full reinstall.

That’s the basic setup, which should give you a taste of Stray from a cat’s point of view. But there are extra folders you can add to minimize the times the game switches back to the third person. For more info on that, check the readme file in the download.

Let’s Talk About Stray Cat Customization Mods

When it comes to personalizing your in-game cat, there are two main paths. First, you’ve got the simple option, which gives you a Photoshop template to color and paint as you like. Then, you pop it into the right folders. The other option is similar but offers a bit more detail. Both are quite straightforward: take texture templates, color them up, and slot them into the game folders to see your creation in action. Whichever route you go, just be sure to follow the instructions in the link provided. Trying to explain both here would just cause confusion. Oh, and don’t forget, back up the folders you change so you can revert to the old stuff if needed.

Stray Dog Mod for Players Who Are More “Dog People”

Of course, the Stray Dog mod completely flips the game around, giving you a 360-degree turn on how you usually play. But if you’ve got a hankering to be a puppy, well, you can do that too. Okay, it’s a puppy that meows and scales walls like a pro, which is kinda strange, but you get the idea. This mod is easy-peasy – snag the files from the link, then toss the Hk_project-WindowsNoEditor_HappyPuppy file into your Stray Paks folder. Just peek around your installation until you spot the Stray/Hk_project/Content/Paks spot.

Don’t forget to play it safe and back up those folders you’re messing with, just in case you want to turn off the dog mode later on.

Stray Glasses Mod to Be a Bespectacled Bobcat

For those looking to add a dash of sophistication to their feline friend, this glasses mod is the ticket. It slaps a pair of specs on your cat. It’s pretty straightforward – nab the files, then plunk what you get into the Stray Pak location, which you can find in your destination folder:


Like with all the mods mentioned here, don’t forget to play it safe and create copies of the files and folders you’re fiddling with. This way, if you want to switch back to the regular setup, you can do it quickly. Keep in mind that these mods won’t help you decipher the Stray Sheet Music collectibles, but they’ll definitely add some visual flair.

Stray Jason Mod to Shout Under the Heavy Rain

This mod is a quick and easy one, but you might find the novelty wearing thin pretty fast. It’s a simple swap – instead of your cat’s meows, you get endless versions of the word ‘JASON!’, just like in the PS3 game Heavy Rain. Yep, that’s all it does. So, without a doubt, before you give this a shot, back up your files. You’ll most likely want to switch back once the joke’s run its course.

Here’s what you do: grab the file from the link, unpack it, and then duplicate the Hk_project-WindowsNoEditor_jason.pak file into the Stray pak folder in your game’s installation directory. Normally, that’s something like Steam\Steamapps\Common\Stray\Hk_project\Content\Paks.

And if you’re into making odd noises, there’s also a Stray Fart mod that, well, swaps the regular meow with… you guessed it, farts, when you hit the meow button.

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