How to Solve the Baldur’s Gate 3 Moon Puzzle in the Defiled Temple

The moon puzzle that blocks the Underdark in Selune’s Defiled Temple is one of the hardest in BG3.

The Moon Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3 is inside Selune’s Defiled Temple, and is about spinning rotating stone discs to form a pattern of moons in different phases. It’s a very difficult puzzle, but one you’ll need to crack if you want to reach the Underdark, at least through this route. We can show you how to get through it though, and even an alternate solution that’s in the very same room! If you’re having difficulty with the moon puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3, we’ll show you how to beat it below.

How to Solve the Baldur’s Gate 3 Moon Puzzle

The Baldur’s Gate 3 moon puzzle is solved by arranging the images of the moon into a specific order – namely, the full moons at the top, the half-moons in the middle and no moons at the bottom. The exact arrangement you’re aiming for is the one shown in the image above.

In this case, we’re considering the “top” disc as the one with the seven white stars on its center (Selune’s symbol), closest to the fallen statue and away from the door you entered. Assuming you haven’t touched any discs yet, one solution we found worked was:

  • Top
  • Left
  • Right twice
  • Bottom three times
  • Left twice
  • Right two times
  • Left
  • Top
  • Left
  • Top three times
  • Left three times
  • Right
  • Top three times
  • Right three times
  • Top
  • Right

A lot of effort, but at this point you should have the solution set up and the door will open. Wondering how we got the answer? It’s actually written in the room full of explosives next to Priestess Gut’s ritual room, where you can see it inscribed on the wall (though you’ll have to find a way inside past the guards if you want to see it yourself), but you can solve the puzzle whether your character saw it or not. You’re also not far away from Halsin’s location in Baldur’s Gate 3 if you’re in the explosive room, assuming you haven’t found him already.

How to Get Through the Defiled Temple Without Doing the Moon Puzzle

If you want to get through without bothering with the moon puzzle, there is a potential alternative. Walk up to the fallen statue past the top moon disc, and your characters will be prompted to do a little perception check. If any of them pass, it’ll reveal a lever on the right hand wall, as shown above. The lever is locked, but if you have a lockpick you can attempt to unlock it (maybe have Astarion with you for this). Succeed, and the lever will operate the secret door to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Underdark region without having needed to do the moon puzzle!

Author: Generose Carantes