Damage Fortnite Guardian Shields to Collect Microchips

Defeat Fortnite Guardian Shields in Oathbound

When you get to the appropriate stage, it is asking a lot to find an opponent with an active shield you can damage, or even to get them to damage your protection if you have it, but luckily, I’ve got a method I’m going to explain here so that you can completely damage Guardian Shields in Fortnite on your own.

Taking Down Fortnite Guardian Shields

In order to damage Guardian Shields in Fortnite, the first thing that you need to do is to actually find the item in the first place, unless you happen to stumble upon another player running around using the shield during a match.

Fortnite Oathbound Chests often contain Guardian Shields. You can find them scattered around the autumnal biomes in the northwest and southeast of the island. These biomes are typically found in the autumnal biomes.

Depending on your skill level, you may also find one lying around on the ground as loot, or that another player has dropped as loot, so keep an eye out for them as you explore the area to see if there are any in the area.

Throwing the Guardian Shields

It is extremely easy to throw a Guardian Shield once you have it in your inventory. Simply equip the shield, then hold the left trigger before releasing it in order to throw it. As soon as the shield lands, it will form a protective barrier in front of you, protecting you from any dangers that may come your way.

By switching to a weapon and shooting at Guardian Shields in Fortnite, you can damage them. After a few shots, you’ll see microchips appear around them because they’re no longer attached to you. The quest will be complete when you collect one of the dropped microchips.

Author: Jim Torralba