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Fortnite Choppas: Where to Find Them

Here are the Fortnite Choppas

It’s important to find Fortnite Choppa locations if you want to take on this challenge. Without knowing where to find Choppa locations, you’ll have a difficult time completing this particular feat in Fortnite.

Fortnite has five Choppa locations you can use to claim the airways: just be prepared for a fight when this challenge is on, as other players will be using these vehicles to accomplish the same goal.

Locations of Fortnite Choppas

Fortnite Choppas are currently spawning at Seven Outposts, and we have marked five of them on the map above. In contrast to their previous appearances in Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Choppas no longer start on helipads and instead land on the ground near the outpost buildings. For more specific directions, you can find them at these Fortnite Choppa locations:

There is no guarantee that Fortnite Choppas will spawn in all of these locations for every match, but if they are included, they will appear at some or all of these locations for every match. Additionally, if you cannot find the Choppas if others have already flown them away, you will have to look in another area.

How to Fly Fortnite Choppas

With the Fortnite Choppa, you can ascend or descend by pressing the rear triggers, and you can move forward by pushing the left stick up, or by pressing the Boost button. When you run out of fuel, you will fall from the sky and explode when you contact the ground, so be prepared to land or visit one of the Fortnite gas pumps to top up when you’re getting low.

Fortnite Choppas don’t come equipped with weapons, although you can briefly switch seats to one of the side rails and fire any weapons you’re carrying, with the helicopter hovering for a few seconds before dropping.

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