With Fortnite Reality Seeds, You Can Plant Reality Saplings

How to Grow Saplings in Fortnite

If you plant or summon Fortnite Reality Saplings, then take exceptional care of your flowers, you can harvest legendary or mythic fruits. Fortnite Reality Seed Pods sprout from Zero Points.

By tending to your sapling, you can spawn increasingly rare loot, but these seeds also play a key role in Fortnite quests, such as planting or summoning a Reality Sapling 30 meters away, or collecting seeds from Reality Seed Pods before they stop bouncing. With Reality Seeds, you can plant Reality Saplings.

Locations of Reality Seed Pods

When the pod breaks open, several seeds will fall out, so grab them before they stop bouncing. You can also get Fortnite Reality Seeds from fruit hanging from Fortnite Reality Saplings.

When you see seeds hovering around the Reality Tree in Reality Falls, approach it and follow the Collect prompt.

Plant Reality Saplings With Reality Seeds

Fortnite Reality Seeds can be thrown to plant Reality Saplings. If you don’t have space for them, their outline turns red. If you throw them there, the seeds remain on the ground. A reality sapling can be planted or summoned 30 meters from you if you aim upwards or drop it from a ledge.

Plant your seed far away from busy areas to prevent spotting it. Other players can steal loot from Fortnite Reality Saplings or destroy flowers from them. You can summon your sapling with additional Fortnite Reality Seeds if you don’t want to stick with the Reality Tree.

Saplings and Mythical Fruits

Once your Fortnite Reality Seed sprouts, you can return to it on your map for the next match to enjoy its benefits. Each growth cycle provides three pods of fruit matching the rarity of the loot you will receive by picking them, so you should ration them out over multiple matches. You’ll soon be able to pick legendary or mythic fruits as you pass through the first few rarities.

Picking Weeds Around Fortnite Reality Saplings

You can find rarity levels, pod counts, and weeding time on the Fortnite map. Whenever the Next Weeding status is ‘Now!’, you need to pick weeds around your sapling to get new pods. The Fortnite Reality Seed replaces loot at the Mythic level.

Author: Jim Torralba