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Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Game Review

It is difficult to pull off video game sequels, especially if they offer a continuation of their predecessor. Besides providing a continuation or conclusion to what came before, they must also innovate on what came before to prove the potential lengthy development time was well spent. In spite of these factors, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals proves to be more than capable of meeting them. It takes place five years after the first game of the series. The player takes on the role of Riley Poverly, a vagabond who returns to her hometown to work installing transmitters. Jacob Summers, a local with unfulfilled aspirations, joins her.

The two are quickly faced with a massive Tear caused by the sinister forces from the first game, and decide to try and close it and every other rip in reality for good. Though it will not be easy, new and old forces are keen to exploit the strange phenomena. In order to overcome these factions and regain a sense of peace, they need to work together. The plot plays out over the course of about eight hours, but it’s not a shallow experience. An emotional and compassionate tale of righting past wrongs and establishing new connections with others is the narrative weaved over these brief hours. A variety of side stories expand this otherwise limited cast. It includes a variety of smaller stories that can be explored or ignored at the player’s discretion.

Aside from the exceptional voice acting, every performance feels well done and impactful. Whether it’s Riley’s line deliveries for his numerous conversations or Jacob’s interactions with his supporting cast. No line delivery was ever overly exaggerated, forced, or subpar, which kept me all the more engrossed. Moreover, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals also offers a variety of meaningful dialogue choices. Players have a ton of ways to alter their experience in ways that can and do impact their playthroughs. Whether it’s through small conversations or major turning points in the narrative. Kindness and consideration could lead to a character seeing you differently; or, it could prevent you from pursuing an advantage.

Similar to the original Oxenfree, the decisions one makes have a dramatic impact on characters’ fates, as well as deciding which of the three core endings one receives before the credits. Ultimately, I was treated to a narrative adventure that was far more complex than I had ever anticipated. I was stunned by how several minor dialogue choices I made throughout the game culminated in a plethora of different outcomes by the climax. The side stories I chose or ignored also played into the conclusion in a variety of ways. I was eager to see what other outcomes I could create across several playthroughs. This remained true across several playthroughs as well.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals nails the same aesthetic as its predecessor. 3D characters move through gorgeous 2D environments. Subtle yet distinct design elements tied to their clothes, postures, and so forth enhance their personalities. A subtle shift in lighting, perspective, and coloration, along with a sudden blip of haunting elements and vibes, can make the environments seem both serene and oppressive at the same time. In one moment, a winding forest trail might seem peaceful. The next, it could be terrifying thanks to a jump scare or an unnerving glitch of red static around the characters’ peripherals.

Overall, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is everything that fans could hope for when it comes to a sequel to Oxenfree. It ties up some of the loose plot threads in the game in a way that builds on what came before and offers plenty of new and captivating stories. There’s no doubt that gamers will love narrative and choice-driven experiences. So ought to check out this game as soon as possible.

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