Retro Side-Scrolling Action in Ganryu 2 (PS4)

It’s a brutally tough side-scrolling action game reminiscent of the days when we didn’t know any better and would smash our heads off the hardest of challenges repeatedly. As a result, this is a true sequel to Ganryu, released on the Neo Geo back in 1999. Simply put, they don’t make games like this anymore.

With its retro roots, Ganryu 2 is both refreshing and frustrating. There’s no doubt that players who enjoy mastery through repetition will enjoy playing this game, since you’re forced to memorize each level’s ebb and flow. However, Ganryu 2 has a lot of cheap deaths. You will be challenged every now and then by enemies that appear without warning and platforming sections that are almost pure trial and error.

Thankfully, the controls are tight and slashing baddies feels great in that old school button-mashing kind of way. Level design is also enjoyable, with many hidden paths, secrets, and visuals to choose from. A dangerous mix if you’re already struggling with Ganryu 2’s stiff challenge, but rewarding to overcome all the same.


  • Retro action at its best.

  • A tight grip.

  • Old school visuals.

  • Over time, very rewarding.


  • Sometimes cheap.

  • An ungodly amount of testing.

7 over 10 for this game.

Author: Maricel Cuico