Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheat Codes to Use

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) captivates players with its immersive storytelling and engaging gameplay. In addition to its epic adventures, KOTOR also harbors a collection of cheat codes that can unlock new experiences, provide advantages, and deepen your journey through the Star Wars universe.

  • “givemedestiny” – Activates god mode, rendering your character invincible, impervious to damage, and immune to negative effects.
  • “heal” – Restores your character’s health and vitality to the maximum, healing any injuries or damage sustained in battle.
  • “addexp [amount]” – It grants experience points to your character. Replace “[amount]” with the desired number to level up and progress your character’s skills and abilities.
  • “givecredits [amount]” – Provides credits, the in-game currency, to your character. Replace “[amount]” with the desired number to acquire wealth for purchasing items and equipment.
  • “giveitem [item code]” – Adds a specific item to your character’s inventory. Replace “[item code]” with the code or name of the desired item to receive it instantly.
  • “infiniteuses” – Enables unlimited use of items and abilities, removing any restrictions on their usage or limited charges.

  • “revealmap” – Reveals the entire map, uncovering all areas and points of interest, allowing for easier navigation and exploration.
  • “invulnerability” – Grants temporary invincibility to your character, making them impervious to damage for a period of time.
  • “setlightside [number]” – Adjusts your character’s alignment toward the light side of the Force. Replace “[number]” with a value between 0 and 100 to increase your light side alignment.
  • “setdarkside [number]” – Adjusts your character’s alignment toward the dark side of the Force. Replace “[number]” with a value between 0 and 100 to increase your dark side alignment.

Cheat codes in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic open up new possibilities, enhance your character’s progression, and empower you to face the challenges of the Star Wars universe. Unleash the force within and shape your destiny using these cheat codes to become a legendary hero in KOTOR’s epic tale.

Author: Ainah Fandino