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Inside the Backrooms: All Entities and How to Survive Them

There is no doubt that Inside the Backrooms is a fantastic game that perfectly depicts the backrooms. In fact, it works almost too well. Those who chase you and hunt you down are lore-accurate and accepted by the community. The old adage goes that if you want to survive these monsters and beasts, you have to know them. Here are all the entities in Inside the backrooms, and how to defeat them.

All Inside the Backrooms Entities

Entity ## – The bacteria / Cable monster

The entity wanders around the backrooms on the first level. That area is believed to be under its control. After waiting in silent anticipation, it will start chasing after you, giving off a loud screech as it chases after you.

As long as you are printing, this entity can be outrun until you run out of health points. You should avoid areas where the fluorescent lights have turned a dark orange in order to avoid this entity. Avoid being chased by it by running into a locker as soon as possible.

You may see it waiting for you in the distance if you travel through an area with dark orange lighting.

Entity #3 – The smiler

There will be areas of darkness in the backrooms where this entity will manifest. Its wide grin and white eyes emerge from the shadows, beckoning you to look at them. Make sure you have anti-anxiety pills on hand since it will slowly turn you insane.

When you see the smiler, turn around and walk behind a wall or a door. You can simply wait until the smiler dematerializes. No matter how healthy you are, looking at them or being too close to them will instantly kill you.

By avoiding eye contact and walking past them, you cannot possibly be threatened. There will be a flickering in your flashlight when one is nearby. Turn it off when it flickers.

Entity #8 – The hound

This entity trawls through the backroom vents, pounces, and hunts. You should stay well away from it when it clambers out of the vents. You will be chased by it because it is fast.

As soon as the hound finds you, it will chase you and hit you until your health runs out. In the game, it can be intimidated with eye-contact, but you are better off running to a locker to escape. You should be very cautious if you hear it clambering out of a vent. Lighting cues will not be provided.

When the creature leaps back into the vents, you can wait out the attack. The screwdriver can then be used to close the vents, preventing the creature from escaping. However, some vents cannot be closed because they are broken.

Entity #10 – The skin-stealer

You should patch yourself up if you are injured since this entity is attracted to blood and gore. The entity’s feet smack the ground with a moist slap; the skin it wears does not belong to it. Waiting for its next skin suit, it lurks on the parking level and in the office rooms.

Upon sight, this entity will charge at you and hit you until you die. As it charges, it does not make a sound, but its distinctive footsteps can be heard. Lockers can help you escape this creature.

This creature can be compared to the cable creature, but there are no lighting cues and it is always walking.

Entity #67 – The partygoer

Only when you fail its game in the Office rooms does this entity appear. Do as it says, or it will take great pleasure in removing your insides.

By beating the ‘fun games’ the partygoer makes you play, you can completely avoid this entity. You will be punished if you fail at any point during the gift-finding or candle-blowing stages.

This entity cannot be stopped. As it frolics around, its footsteps are heavy. When it sees you, it will run toward you. You can try to run away, but you might lose its trail. It will slaughter you if it catches you, however. Next time, make sure you win.

Entity #5 – The clump

There are no eyes or a nose on this entity. In the pool zone or sewer rooms, you will find a bundle of appendages that are somehow adept at swimming. With its large mouth, it will devour you if you get too close.

Using the motion tracker, you must detect where they are in the pool zone in order to avoid them. Keep moving and snaking past where they appear to be.

No matter how much health you have, bumping into one will kill you. Once you’re out of the water, you’re safe from them.

In the Sewer Rooms, however, they are on display for all to see, roaming the sewage as if it were a highway and roaming some of the rooms as well. You will be instantly killed if you get too close to them. Due to their lack of senses, they rely on your touch for communication.

Entity #25 – The death rat

Giant and plague-ridden, Entity #25 roams the sewer channels of the Sewer Rooms. In spite of their lack of vision, the behemoths have uncanny hearing, and they will run towards any noise they hear.

When you see one approaching, freeze before it gets too close. It can walk right by you without seeing you. You will be killed in one hit if you move a muscle. Stay still and wait for it to pass.

The rats will run up to any noise, even if you are on the sidelines. Rooms are the only safe places, so if one runs towards you, dive into a room.

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