How to Recover a Fortnite Combat Cache When It Appears in the Game

Weapons and Items From a Combat Cache in Fortnite

With Season 2, Fortnite added the Combat Cache as well as several other mechanics involving things spawning at various points during the match. With Supply Drops currently vaulted in Fortnite, the Combat Cache is now one of the best sources for high rarity loot, and the quicker you get to it, the better your rewards will be – although you only get one per match, and they quickly become hot property once they’re revealed to all players at the same time.

Fortnite quests for Week 3 require you to find and recover one of these elusive canisters, which makes them more and more valuable as more players learn about them. This is everything you need to know about recovering a Combat Cache in Fortnite.

Getting the Combat Cache Back in Fortnite

Fortnite Combat Caches do not spawn until the second Storm Eye Shrinking phase, so you’ll have to be patient when you wait for them. When you reach that point in a match, you’ll hear an audio cue and a marker for the Combat Cache will be placed on your screen along with an icon on the map, which you can then choose to follow to its location. A beam of light will also shine down on it, with the color indicating the rarity of your rewards if you recover it. It begins as Legendary, but gradually progresses to Epic, then Rare, etc. as time goes on.

For this reason, you have the incentive to recover a Combat Cache in Fortnite quickly if you want better loot. However, the same applies to everyone else as well. Once you reach a Combat Cache and claim it, the progress bar will fill. At that point, you need to build a wall to keep thieves out of it. It is also possible that another player has already recovered the icon if you see the progress bar filling up around it before you arrive. If this happens, then you’ll need to fight your way in and interact with it so you can control it. When the Combat Cache finally opens, you must take control if you want this action to count towards completing the quest.

Author: Jim Torralba