Battlefield 4 Cheat Codes

First-person shooter Battlefield 4 provides thrilling warfare and strategic gameplay to gamers. Additionally, Battlefield 4 offers a variety of cheat codes that can enhance gameplay, give you advantages, and give you exciting possibilities in addition to its immersive gameplay. Here we will explore Battlefield 4 cheat codes, explore their effects, and find out how they can make you a better soldier.

  • “UnlockAllWeapons” – Unlocks all weapons and gadgets.
  • “GodMode” – Makes you invincible, preventing damage.
  • “InfiniteAmmo” – Provides unlimited ammunition.
  • “JumpHeight [value]” – Adjusts the height of your jumps (replace [value] with desired height).
  • “NoClip” – Allows you to pass through objects and terrain.
  • “GameTime.MaxVariableFps [value]” – Adjusts the maximum frames per second (replace [value] with desired FPS).
  • “Render.DrawScreenInfo [0 or 1]” – Toggles on-screen information display.
  • “Render.DrawFPS [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of frames per second.
  • “Render.DrawFpsGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a graphical FPS graph.
  • “Render.PerfOverlayVisible [0 or 1]” – Toggles the performance overlay.
  • “UI.DrawEnable [0 or 1]” – Enables or disables the UI.
  • “UI.DrawEnableStats [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of statistics.
  • “UI.DrawEnableGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a graphical performance graph.

  • “RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit [value]” – Adjusts the render ahead limit (replace [value] with the desired limit).
  • “RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable [0 or 1]” – Enables or disables triple buffering.
  • “PerfOverlay.DrawGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a performance graph.
  • “PerfOverlay.DrawGraphMethod [0 or 1]” – Adjusts the method used for drawing the performance graph.
  • “PerfOverlay.DrawCpuGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a CPU usage graph.
  • “PerfOverlay.DrawGpuGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a GPU usage graph.
  • “PerfOverlay.DrawFrameGraph [0 or 1]” – Toggles the display of a frame time graph.

It is necessary to activate Battlefield 4’s console to use cheat codes. After you launch the game, go to the main menu. Choose “Gameplay” from the “Options” menu and make sure it is set to “On.” Press the tilde key on your keyboard to access the console once it is enabled. It will appear like a command prompt once activated. When the cheat code is applied, the desired benefits or abilities will be granted. You can use these cheat codes on Battlefield 4 only in single-player or custom game modes. Enjoy experimenting and improving your Battlefield 4 experience!

Author: Ainah Fandino