Unlocking the Secret Door in Baldur’s Gate’s Cellar

The cellar beneath the Blighted Village apothecary in Baldur’s Gate 3 holds a concealed door concealed behind a bookcase. But how can you access it and discover the secrets that lie beyond? In this guide, we will provide you with a comprehensive walkthrough on navigating the cellar in BG3, including overcoming the Ornate Mirror that guards the entrance to a mysterious necromancer’s workshop. It may seem quite astonishing to find such a dramatic setting beneath a flower shop, but in Baldur’s Gate 3, this cellar door is certainly worth your effort.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Opening the Secret Door Behind the Cellar Bookcase in Baldur’s Gate 3

When you descend into the cellar under the Blighted Village Apothecary in Baldur’s Gate 3, the mission prompt to “search the cellar” will not be triggered. To access the hidden door, you must locate it first. Perform a successful perception check to uncover scratch marks on the ground near the cellar bookcase situated on the north wall.

To open the secret door, you need to move the crates positioned to the left of the bookcase. Stand near the crates, press down on the mouse, and drag them aside. Behind the crates, you’ll find a lever (as marked in the accompanying image). Pull the lever to move the bookcase, revealing the secret door!

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There is a concealed entrance leading to an open cavern where two Guardian undead lie in wait, intending to surprise and attack as you approach their coffins. It is advisable to engage them from a safe distance before they catch you off guard. Additionally, if you possess Cleric powers, you can employ them to subdue the undead when they rise again.

Upon progressing further, you will come across a small wooden platform situated to the east. Adjacent to it stands a grandiose mirror that offers more than just a reflection of your own visage when you gaze into it.

Here’s How to Successfully Surpass the Ornate Mirror in the Cellar of Baldur’s Gate 3

The mirror possesses the ability to speak and has been enchanted to grant passage to an ally of its master. To convince the mirror to allow you through, respond in the following sequence:

  • (Any non-aggressive response).
  • “Yes, an ally! I’m an ally of your master’s.”
  • “Szass Tam is a foul, wretched creature.”
  • “I read a doctor’s journal – he used balsam ointment to clean a wound.”
  • Any answer except “I’d see the ones I love.”

Successfully completing the sequence of replies will grant you access to Ilyn Toth’s laboratory. However, if you fail to respond correctly, the door will trigger the summoning of a construct that will attack you. Upon successfully bypassing the mirror, you will discover the Necromancer’s Book. Be cautious, though, as the cage housing the book is rigged with a trap activated by a pressure plate located just outside the cage. It is advisable to disarm the trap before accessing the book.

How to Find the Cellar in Baldur’s Gate 3

To locate the Cellar in Baldur’s Gate 3, if you have been informed about its existence but are unsure of its whereabouts, you can find it within the Apothecary shop. This particular shop is characterized by its abundance of plants and bottles. Upon entering the Blighted Village, head towards the left side. Behind the shop’s counter, you will find a wooden hatch. Look for the specific coordinates X:32 Y:379 to pinpoint its location. Interacting with the hatch will allow you to descend into the cellar, where you will encounter the initial room containing the aforementioned bookcase.

Author: Verl Sales