Sonic Origins Plus (PS5): The Wrong Library

The new content that Sonic Origins Plus brings reminds us just how poor SEGA’s handheld library was compared to its home console library, even though it is good to have older games on current platforms. Sonic 1, CD, 2, and 3, as well as Knuckles, are all classic Sonic the Hedgehog games that deserve to be experienced in Sonic Origins. Widescreen and play just as good as you remember. The only downside is the soundtrack changes in Sonic 3 due to legal issues.

Amy is officially playable in the original games for the first time with the Plus expansion, which is awesome. She feels as if she always belonged here.

In Sonic Origins Plus, you’ll find 12 Game Gear titles that you may enjoy reliving if you grew up playing them. However, newcomers will quickly become disenchanted.

Sonic Origins Plus adds many Master System ports. Even titles with similar names to Sonic and Tails’ original introduction have totally different levels. Also, Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s first zone features railcar sections. Even though it isn’t as good as the original console games, it is still exciting to play these levels for the first time.

The SEGA intro blasts your eardrums out the first time you start most of these games. Because these are the Game Gear versions of Master System games, screen crunch is the biggest problem. Frame rates dip too often, especially in Sonic Chaos and Triple Trouble. The Game Gear titles struggle on a PS5. Seeing Game Gear titles struggle on a PS5 is embarrassing after the performance and screen improvements in the base Origins bundle.

Sonic Origins Plus’ Game Gear games don’t look, sound, or play great, but it’s not because they’re bad ports — they’re just not that good originally. Play the Genesis games and Amy in Sonic Origins Plus, but don’t expect it to blow your mind with the Game Gear games.


  • Playable Amy in Genesis.

  • Gameplay on Genesis currently best.

  • Good package overall.


  • There’s nothing good about Game Gear games.

  • Poor sound quality on Game Gear.

  • Dropping frame rates on Game Gear.

This game gets a 7 over 10.

Author: Maricel Cuico