Pirate101 Game Review

Pirate101 game is Wizard101’s sister game developed and published by KingsIsle Entertainment. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Like Wizard101, it is also set in the same fictional universe of “Spiral”. In Pirate101, players get to experience pirate-y goodness in lands they may be familiar with. Pirate101 also introduces a number of new features that make it unique. It is a family-friendly game, but there is plenty to enjoy for adults as well. If MMO fans choose to skip this game, they will be missing out. So let’s get going mates. Hold on to your hats!

In terms of aesthetics, Pirate101 is fantastic. It’s bright and vibrant and has just enough dark edges to please everyone. Because of its setting, P101 can bring in fun visual effects like squawking parrots, smoking ships, splashing water, clanking swords, etc. In addition, KingsIsle is known for its amazing spell effects and these are similarly brought to bear in this game. There are just not enough good things to say about a gigantic floating skull rising menacingly over your enemy. Despite not being as detailed as some MMOs, Pirate101 succeeds in creating a pirate-like environment that’s enjoyable to play. Despite the fact that the game isn’t designed to be ‘realistic’ from the standpoint of showing every crack in a leather belt and every blade of grass, it does well what it does.

Pirate101’s sound is excellent, too. Quest givers and companions are voiced, and it’s clear the actors who played the game’s characters had a lot of fun with their “yarrs” and “mateys” and “buckos” and other pirate-like sounds. They practiced a lot on Talk Like a Pirate Day! And the world sounds great. Swords CLANG! Canons BOOM! When the wind blows, it actually sounds like the wind! Water splashes. Fires crackle. Yardarms creak. In short, King’s Isle’s sound effects department did an excellent job making Pirate101 feel like a pirate game. It may seem obvious, but not every game maker gets it right.

The gameplay is where Pirate101 shines. I won’t blow smoke and say that it’s for everyone. It’s not. But for those who enjoy strategic turn-based gameplay, Pirate101 offers an incredibly deep experience. As soon as I started playing Pirate101, I wasn’t particularly enamored of its grid-based combat system. As Wizard101 uses it in a different way, it wasn’t a deal. There were too many players, companions, obstacles, and enemies, all jumbled together in a chaotic battle, which bothered me initially. After listening to their players, KingsIsle has made improvements to the disheveled way multiplayer battles turn out, which is a good thing. With practice, I have gained a better understanding of the system, if not affection for it. With learning new skills and having to make more strategic choices in battle, it becomes easier to adapt.

It has been an enjoyable experience for me to play Pirate101. I was one of the early proponents of Pirates over Ninjas, so it has struck a chord within my blackened Jack Sparrow-like heart. I also really love the music and the environment. It is great to be able to speak pirate-like every day of my life. I have been playing this game since I discovered how to navigate its combat system. I am a big fan now that I have mastered it, and I am a true believer. Anyone who enjoys strategic gameplay as well as goofy pirate jokes will enjoy this game as much as I did. I would encourage you to give it a try, my dear friends!

Author: Rencie Veroya