Baldur’s Gate 3 Spells, Magic, and Everything You Need to Know

The best Spells in BG3, how they work, and how spell slots and cantrips function.

Baldur’s Gate 3 spells are a complex system, but one that’s modelled almost verbatim off the manner in which Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition handles them, with spell slots, cantrips, concentration mechanics, and a selection of magical powers that allows you to pick the best spells possible for your build.

It’s an in-depth system that allows for a lot of customization – but also a lot of ways to get it wrong. With that in mind, we’ll explain everything you need to know about magic and spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 below, as well as all the best spells and how they work.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Spells

The best Baldur’s Gate 3 spells vary depending on effect and some are hard to balance when it comes to cost versus applicability versus universality, so here’s what we find are the ten best spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 – if you can equip them, you definitely should.

1. Guidance (Cantrip: Cleric, Druid). Grants a 1D4 bonus to every out-of-combat dice roll. Ridiculous advantage to the point we expect it to get nerfed.

2. Healing Word (Level 1 Spell: Bard, Cleric). A cheap, bonus action heal that effectively allows you to revive allies, from a distance, without having to use up your main action.

3. Pass Without Trace (Level 2 Spell: Druid, Ranger, Trickery Cleric). +10 to all stealth checks to the caster and those around them as long as they maintain concentration. Fantastic for getting allies around without triggering combat.

4. Eldritch Blast (Cantrip: Warlock). The Warlock’s bread and butter. Reliable and effective 1D10 damage dealer that deals Force damage most enemies aren’t resistant to, and can be modified with Warlock Invocations.

5. Sleep (Level 1 Spell: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight Fighter). Puts 24 Hit Points worth of enemies to sleep for two turns, or until they take damage. Very effective way to control a threat, especially if conscious enemies burn their actions trying to wake their allies.

6. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter (Level 1 Spell: Bard, Wizard, Eldritch Knight Fighter, Copper Draconic Sorcerer). Knock an enemy prone and incapacitated with laughter. A chance to break every round or if they take damage, but melee attacks on the target automatically crit, which is very powerful.

7. Light (Cantrip: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Eldritch Knight Fighter, High Elf, High Half-Elf). Make an object generate light. Sounds basic, but if you have Baldur’s Gate 3 companions without darkvision, like Lae’zel or Gael, or can’t see in the dark yourself, this spell is a lifesaver.

8. Scorching Ray (Level 2 Spell: Sorcerer, Wizard, Fiend Warlock). Three rays of fire shot at one or different targets that deal 2D6 fire damage each. Works nicely either against bosses or groups.

9. Dissonant Whispers (Level 1 Spell: Bard, Great Old One Warlock). Does 3D6 to a target and frightens them, giving them disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks. An excellent way to weaken a dangerous enemy.

10. Hunter’s Mark (Level 1 Spell: Ranger, Oath of Vengeance Paladin). A bonus action curse that bumps all weapon attacks on the target by 1D6 damage. If you can kill the afflicted before the spell ends, you can switch the Mark to another target for free.

There’s plenty more effective spells and magics to choose from, but these are then that you should never go without, if you’re playing as any of the Baldur’s Gate 3 classes that can choose them.

Alternatively, pick your party members accordingly – Shadowheart either knows, or can learn, the top three spells on this list. Speaking of which though, how do you learn spells? How do you even go about casting them?

Author: Generose Carantes