Team Cece or Team Reede Quest Walkthrough for Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

In Hateno Village, Team Cece or Team Reede is participating in the TOTK mission for the mayoral election.

In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the Team Cece or Team Reede quest focuses on finding eight villagers to hand Hylian Shrooms to so that Cece can win over Reede’s voters in the Hateno Village mayoral election. It is not easy, however, as those eight voters do not stand out and move around Hateno Village, a large area that is easy to lose someone in.

Listed below are the locations of all eight villagers, as well as an answer to the tricky question: does the Team Cece or Team Reede quest actually matter? Would you be able to cause specific consequences or ensure that one of them becomes the mayor over the other? Here is our guide to the Team Cece or Team Reede side quest in TOTK.

Voting locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for Team Cece or Team Reede

In order to begin the mission, you must enter the Armor Shop in Hateno Village in East Necluda, which can be found on the Zelda Tears of the Kingdom map. You will be put to task by Cece if you speak with her. The following are the eight Reede supporters you need to locate in Hateno Village and give a mushroom to:

1. Leop: Old man usually found wandering around the town center, near Cece’s shop or the inn.

2. Tamana: Chicken farmer, found tending to her chicken coop near the south gate of Hateno Village anytime.

3. Medda: Tomato farmer, can be found tending his crops.

4. Uma: An old lady working in the field just below Hateno School, but you can catch up with her as she walks home across the bridge in the evening.

5. Dantz: Works in the pasture in East Hateno during daylight hours, halfway up the road to the Ancient Tech Lab.

6. Koyin: Dantz’s daughter, standing by the lake near the pasture.

7. Tokk: Elderly man who sits by a cooking pot in Hateno Pasture and then strolls up to the Tech Lab. You can find him at either location, but he’s easier to collar at the lab.

8. Worten: Husband of the inn’s receptionist, found on the inn balcony or covering his wife at the front desk.

Remember that when in doubt, pay attention to what the villagers are wearing. Reede voters are dressed in regular clothing while Cece fans will be dressed in mushroom-themed outfit, such as a hat.

Once you’ve given away all eight mushrooms, return to Cece and tell her the good news. While you’re here in Hateno Village, don’t forget to pick up those Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Purah Pad upgrades at the Ancient Tech Lab nearby!

Does Team Cece or Team Reede matter?

Team Cece or Team Reede have few consequences. No matter how you hand out the Hylian Shrooms, afterwards you’ll do side quests for both sides of the Mayoral Election. This will continue until, without spoiling, the matter is resolved… one way or another. You don’t control the outcome. It’s simply a fixed part of the plot, and the Mayoral Election winner doesn’t change.

Author: Generose Carantes