Sims 4 Werewolves Cheats

These Sims 4 werewolf cheats will change your life. With so many handy tricks in its latest expansion, EA has baked some truly delicious lycanthropic treats for all its expansions. We’ve got all the Sims 4 werewolf cheats you could ever need right here between your claws.

Cheats For Sims 4: How To Enable Them

You’ll need to install Werewolf Game Pack properly before you use any cheats. You’ll need to enable Sims 4 cheats to make them work. Here’s how to do that on each platform:

  • The Sims 4 PC cheats: Hold Ctrl and Shift, then press c
  • The Sims 4 Mac cheats: Hold Command and Shift, then press c
  • The Sims 4 PS4 and PS5 cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once
  • The Sims 4 Xbox One and Xbox Series X cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once

Activating cheats fully can be done by entering testingcheats true in the text box. By doing so, you will be able to use additional cheats and shift-click on Sims, items, and animals to get more cheats. You will need to press X+O (PlayStation) or A+B (Xbox) simultaneously to shift-click on consoles.

We’ve got all the Sims 4 werewolf cheats you can use below, assuming you’ve activated cheats. The first couple allows you to give or remove the werewolf trait from a sim. There are plenty of ways to curse your Sims with lycanthropy, so it’s a good idea to know how to become a werewolf as well. There are cheats for leveling up werewolf sims and granting them specific traits.

Basic Cheats

  • traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf – This will instantly give your sim the werewolf trait, making them a werewolf. Sims can be turned into werewolves without being bitten.
  • traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf – Remove the werewolf trait from your sim if you’re bored or you’ve been attacked and turned into one.
  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Use this general cheat to autocomplete any aspirations for werewolf sims. To complete the Werewolf Initiate aspiration, you’ll need to find Sims 4 Werewolf books.
  • stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression [X] – Gain werewolf XP to level up and learn new abilities. To receive the specified amount of XP, replace [X] with a number. The highest rank for werewolves in Sims 4 is Apex, which requires 3000 XP.

Werewolf Trait Cheats

  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf – Gain the Dormant Wolf Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood – Gain the Greater Wolf Blood Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait – Gain the Lunar Confidant Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA – Gain the Friend of the Moonwood Collective Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB – Gain the Friend of the Wildfangs Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryContro – Gain the Refined Lupine Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning – Gain the Chomp Champion Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan – Gain the Werewolf Ally Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf – Gain the Fanged Friend Trait.
  • traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear – Gain the Threatening Presence Trait.
  • Replace “traits.equip_trait” with “traits.remove_trait” for any of the above Trait cheats to remove them.
Author: Ainah Fandino