What Do the Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith Entail and Their Locations

Diablo 4 features the Altars of Lilith, which are sculptures scattered throughout Sanctuary, ensuring that you’re always within reach of a carved representation of the Daughter of Hatred. When you come across these illuminated crimson pedestals during your adventures in Diablo 4, interacting with them grants specific buffs to all your characters, not just the one you’re currently playing. However, due to their concealed nature, these altars are often hidden from plain sight, requiring a keen eye to spot them. If you aspire to locate and collect all the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4, we provide their locations and details below.

How to Find Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4

Discovering the Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4 can be challenging since they are frequently partially obscured by trees, rocks, or other obstacles. Look for the distinct red glow emanating from the blood petals in Lilith’s hands, which can help you distinguish the statues from their surroundings. Once you claim an Altar of Lilith, it will be permanently marked on your map, and a progress bar at the top of the map screen will keep you informed of the number of remaining altars to find in the highlighted region. Typically, you’ll encounter them tucked away in alcoves or at the ends of passages, making these areas prime targets in your search. For your convenience, we have included comprehensive maps below, pinpointing the locations of the Altars of Lilith in each region of Diablo 4, enabling you to claim every statue.

All Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith Locations

Here are the breakdowns of the Altars of Lilith locations in each region of Diablo 4:

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith in Fractured Peaks

There are a total of 28 Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith to be claimed in Fractured Peaks.

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith in Scosglen

There are a total of 34 Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith to be claimed in Scosglen.

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith in Dry Steppes

There are a total of 33 Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith to be claimed in Dry Steppes.

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith in Kehjistan

There are a total of 31 Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith to be claimed in Kehjistan.

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar

There are a total of 34 Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith to be claimed in Hawezar.

What are Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith Used for

At first glance, Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith might seem like mere collectibles, but their significance goes beyond checking them off a list. When you successfully locate and claim each Altar, you not only gain experience points (XP) towards leveling up, but you also earn 10 Renown specific to the region you are currently exploring. These Renown points contribute to unlocking Region Progress Rewards, which include a bonus Diablo 4 health potion once you accumulate 500 Renown overall. Furthermore, acquiring each Altar of Lilith also grants you access to one of several powerful enhancements called Realm Power boosts. These boosts apply to all the characters you play within the same realm.

  • Dexterity increased by 2
  • Intelligence increased by 2
  • Strength increased by 2
  • Willpower increased by 2
  • Murmuring Obols maximum capacity increased by 5

In addition, by claiming all the Altars of Lilith within a single region, you will fulfill the Altar of Lilith Seeker challenge. This achievement unlocks two prestigious player titles in Diablo 4: “Wily” and “Seeker.” You can proudly showcase these titles on your profile, allowing other players to recognize your accomplishment. If you continue your quest and manage to collect all the Altars of Lilith in the game, you will successfully complete the Altar of Lilith Collector challenge. As a result, you will be rewarded with two more impressive player titles: “Treasure” and “Hoarder,” which you can proudly display to showcase your dedication and expertise in the game.

Author: Verl Sales