Confirmation of the Entire Team for Starfield: Expertise and Additional Details Revealed

As you venture into the vastness of the galaxy in Starfield, you have the opportunity to assemble your own crew. These individuals can be sourced from factions such as Constellation, recruited in spaceports, or encountered while exploring the galaxy. Building a crew is crucial for customizing your Starfield ship, as each member possesses a unique set of skills that can enhance your ship’s statistics and abilities once they join your ranks. Additionally, crew members can be assigned to your Starfield Outposts, where their proficiency in specific areas can influence the operations and management of those outposts.

Who can join your crew in Starfield?

There are three main ways to get crew in Starfield:

  • Companions can join your crew
  • You can hire them at Spaceports
  • You can find them as you explore

While not all companions in Starfield necessarily serve as crew members, Bethesda has emphasized that similar to companions, most crew members can provide assistance during field operations. It appears that companions possess a broader range of advanced skills compared to general recruits, indicating their higher proficiency levels.

Starfield crew skills

These are the various Starfield Crew skills we’ve seen so far:

  • Astrodynamics
  • Ballistics
  • Botany
  • Concealment
  • Gastronomy
  • Geology
  • Lasers
  • Leadership
  • Outpost engineering
  • Particle Beam Weapon Systems
  • Payloads
  • Piloting
  • Robotics
  • Rifle Certification
  • Scavenging
  • Shotgun Certification
  • Starship Engineering
  • Weight Lifting

The available crew members in Starfield possess skills that can enhance your own abilities, with varying tiers of buffs ranging from one to four stars. Companions have the potential to boost four different statistics, while non-companion recruits observed thus far have provided enhancements to two or three stats.

The mechanics of assigning crew members to ships and Outposts, and how their buffs function in those contexts, remain unclear at present. However, it appears that when you have one active ship and a designated “current” outpost, the buffs of the crew members present in those specific locations will likely apply to your character. Additionally, crew members might provide passive boosts to activities like resource gathering in any outpost, whether it is considered your primary base or not.

Starfield crew members

As of now, there are seven known Starfield Crew members, including four companions, the Adoring Fan, a recruit from a spaceport, and an individual who can be discovered and rescued during exploration.

  • Sarah Morgan
  • Sam Coe
  • Barrett
  • Vasco
  • The Adoring Fan
  • Marika Boros
  • Heller

Here’s what we know about the various crew in Starfield so far:

Sarah Morgan, Constellation companion

  • Astrodynamics ****
  • Lasers ***
  • Leadership **
  • Botany *

As the leader of Constellation, Sarah’s role in providing a Leadership boost, which accelerates the rate at which you develop affinity with companions, is not unexpected. Additionally, she possesses a significant Astrodynamics buff, enhancing the grav drive capability. This makes her particularly valuable for those who intend to engage in frequent interstellar jumps and traverse the galaxy swiftly.

Sam, Constellation companion

  • Piloting ****
  • Rifle Certification ***
  • Payloads **
  • Geology *

Sam’s notable attribute lies in his impressive four-star piloting boost, showcasing his exceptional piloting skills. However, his most valuable skill for players is likely his proficiency in Payloads, which aids in expanding the cargo capacity of your ship. This skill proves highly beneficial if your objective is to transport and trade large quantities of goods, facilitating efficient movement and selling of items throughout your journey in the game.

Barratt, Constellation companion

  • Starship Engineering ****
  • Particle Beam Weapons Systems ***
  • Robotics **
  • Gastronomy *

At present, detailed information regarding Barrett’s two major skills is unavailable, aside from their existence within the game. Nonetheless, the skill of Robotics is expected to provide a damage boost specifically against robotic enemies, enabling more effective combat encounters with such adversaries. On the other hand, the Gastronomy skill is likely to assist in the crafting and research of a wider variety of food items, potentially offering benefits related to sustenance and nourishment within the game world.


Vasco, although confirmed as a companion and crew member for the longest duration among the announced characters, still remains shrouded in mystery regarding the specific skills and abilities he brings to the table. Further details regarding Vasco’s unique contributions have yet to be revealed.

The Adoring Fan

  • Scavenging *
  • Concealment *
  • Weight Lifting **

The Adoring Fan’s primary contribution as a crew member centers around his Weight Lifting skill, which boosts your carrying capacity. While this skill is noteworthy in terms of gameplay mechanics, it remains to be seen whether the constant chatter and presence of the Adoring Fan are worth the potential drawbacks associated with having him as part of your crew. The overall value and trade-offs of having the Adoring Fan as a crew member are subjective and depend on individual player preferences.

Marika Boros, Spaceport recruit

  • Shotgun Certification *
  • Ballistics **
  • Particle Beam Weapons Systems *

Marika, as a recruitable crew member from a spaceport, exhibits a clear focus on combat expertise. Her skill set indicates a specialization in various areas, including minor buffs to ballistic and particle beam weapons, as well as a specific proficiency with shotguns. These buffs suggest that Marika is a valuable addition to the crew when it comes to engaging in combat situations, particularly with those specific weapon types.

Heller, Rescue

  • Geology *
  • Outpost Engineering ***

Heller, a crew recruit found within the vastness of the Starfield universe during exploration, presents an intriguing background story. Stranded on a desolate planet or moon, Heller patiently awaits rescue by someone passing by in their spacecraft. His notable engineering stat suggests that he would make a strong candidate for managing an Outpost. With his expertise in engineering, Heller is likely well-suited to oversee and optimize the technical aspects of an Outpost, making him a valuable asset in establishing and maintaining such installations.

Author: Verl Sales