Nock: It’s All About Bows and Arrows (PSVR2)

In Nock, you use skates, a high jump, and a bow-and-arrow to shoot the ball into the net of your online opponent across all three game modes: 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3.

Big empty arenas are ideal for Nyne’s exhilarating traversal. You’ll be flailing around in ski-like motions with a slide on the left PSVR2 Sense Controller and a high jump on the right PSVR2 Sense Controller. Pulling off a long slide that chains into a high jump is physically exhausting, but it’s extremely satisfying to fire a long shot into your opponent’s net. Our five minute bouts with other opponents were always eagerly awaited, despite moving around quickly.

You all know how easy it is to pick up and play Nock, but it can also be challenging to master its more advanced mechanics as well. If you get out of position, you can switch arrows into blocks with block arrows. You’ll need very accurate shooting to pull off a successful save since these blocks aren’t very big.

You can shoot the ball into it and it will bounce exactly where you would expect it to. Lastly, Nock comes with an optional Season Pass offering customisable blocks, bows, and skins for both a paid and free track.

The visuals of Nock seem lacking, with arenas with a single texture and no background environment. The simplicity of the visuals would be helpful in differentiating the various arenas and giving the game a little more personality to keep track of the ball.

The bow-and-arrow soccer title Nock is so addictive, it’s hard to put it down. It has accurate physics, excellent hand tracking, and impressively satisfying traversal. Nock hits the bullseye, despite its few niggles — similar arenas and a lack of visual environments.


  • An addictive game.

  • A realistic model.

  • Keeping track of hands.

  • Traverse satisfying.

  • Exhausting.


  • Poor visuals.

  • Arenas all feel the same.

  • Too small blocks.

This game is an 8 out of 10.

Author: Maricel Cuico