Diablo 4: How to Unlock Your Mount

You must first complete the Diablo 4 core campaign in order to get your mount. Once you reach the end of Act 3, you’ll be able to get a horse and travel quickly around Sanctuary.

In order to add ‘Mount: Donan’s Favor’ to your Diablo 4 quest log, you’ll need to reach level 25-30, as per our tips on how to level up fast in Diablo 4. Traveling the Diablo 4 map on foot or by waypoints is a requirement before you can access the Diablo 4 mount quest, so make it a priority to unlock and complete it.

In Diablo 4, There Is a Horse Quest Called Mount Donan’s Favor.

When you’re about to finish Act 3 of Diablo 4’s main campaign, you’ll be sent back to Kyovashad to meet Donan at the Cathedral of Light. Talk with the character there, and he’ll assign you the Mount: Donan’s Favor quest, which unlocks a horse in Diablo 4.

You’ll receive your first Diablo 4 mount for free when you return to Oskar the Stable Master (who you met at the start of the game when you arrived in Kyovashad as a wanderer). It’s a nice gesture, especially since you’ll have to pay 20,000 Gold for other mounts. You’ll need to spend a lot of money, but thankfully all of your characters have access to every mount you own.

Diablo 4 Mount Customization

While Diablo 4 offers some mount customization options, they aren’t free. There are Stable Masters in major hubs marked by Waypoints where players can purchase cosmetic items with in-game gold, and additional items can be unlocked via the Diablo 4 store and the seasonal Diablo 4 battle pass. In addition, you can hold horse customization items in your inventory and then apply them via the Stable Master when they drop from chests, rare enemies, or world bosses.

For those willing to take part in some Diablo 4 PvP, mount customization options are available. It is possible to exchange cosmetic items for Red Dust rather than Gold at the Stable Masters in towns close to any Field of Hatred – this rare resource is earned by collecting seeds of hate from monsters slain in player versus player zones, which you can then smash into Red Dust at various Altars of Extraction.

In Diablo 4, Here’s How to Use Your Mount

When exploring the open world of Sanctuary, you can mount up at any time by pressing the Z key on your keyboard or the right d-pad button on your controller. As soon as you mount, your ability bar will reflect the mount-specific abilities you have. Using the Evade ability, you will have three bursts of speed that refresh after a short cooldown. There are also unique mount skills for each class in Diablo 4, which can be used to quickly dismount and launch straight into attacks with massive AOE potential.

Diablo 4 also lets you know that your horse can get scared and abandon you even though it cannot die. Whenever your mount is around too many enemies, a little bar will gradually fill above its avatar icon – the speed at which it fills depends on your Diablo 4 World Tier. Your mount will not be able to be called back into action until you wait through a lengthy cooldown if it maxes out. Here’s a handy tip: to avoid horse panic, just click the dismount key when you are at risk of frightening your horse.

Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy for Diablo 4

The exclusive Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy can be equipped by any Stable Master if you completed the Server Slam Beta in May and defeated the Ashava World Boss. Regardless of how many times you beat Ashava in the final game, you can’t get the mount trophy if you didn’t earn it in the beta.

Author: Annalyn Butoy