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Guide for Finding the King Gleeok Boss and the Locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The King Gleeok boss battle found in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is considered the most difficult encounter in the game, particularly when facing the Gloom version in the Depths. However, the rewards obtained from defeating it are substantial each time. If you truly want to push your limits and explore Link’s capabilities, this is the ultimate challenge to undertake. But then again, have you ever wondered where exactly the King Gleeok can be located?

Interestingly, there are several instances of the King Gleeok boss fight scattered across Hyrule. Similar to the lesser encounters with Frost Gleeok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, these battles are tied to specific locations rather than being connected to quests or pivotal moments in the story. It’s worth noting that all King Gleeok boss fights are optional, meaning it is entirely possible to complete the game without encountering any of these formidable creatures, let alone engaging in combat and defeating them. Nevertheless, for those who possess the determination to confront the most challenging adversaries in Ganon’s army, we have compiled a comprehensive guide below, providing the locations, weaknesses, strategies, and rewards for conquering the mighty King Gleeok. Remember, facing three heads is far more daunting than dealing with a single opponent.

King Gleeok Locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

There are four locations where you can encounter King Gleeok boss fights in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: three in the Sky Realm, one in the Depths.

There are actually a few notable distinctions among these encounters. While the three King Gleeoks in the sky share similarities, the one located in the Depths is engulfed in Gloom, causing any damage it inflicts on you to be permanent. During the fight, you won’t be able to restore your health unless you consume meals prepared with Sundelions. Furthermore, the darkness prevailing in the depths adds an additional challenge by making it harder to discern your opponent. It might be wise to leave this particularly formidable Gleeok for last, allowing yourself ample practice on the others.

Another difference worth mentioning is the weather conditions. The arena in the Hebra Mountains experiences extremely low temperatures, making it crucial to take precautions against the cold mechanics unique to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Failure to do so may result in freezing to death during the battle. Similarly, the Gleeok above Gerudo is influenced by the desert environment, becoming too cold at night and excessively hot during the day.

Although King Gleeoks do respawn, the process is not swift. They will reset every Blood Moon, but this aspect is hardly significant since these encounters are so secluded that stumbling upon them by chance is highly improbable. In fact, deliberately seeking them out can prove quite challenging.

How to Reach the King Gleeok Boss Fights

Reaching the King Gleeoks located in the Sky Realm proves to be challenging since none of them are situated near any Skyview Towers in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Moreover, these islands are positioned higher than almost all other islands in the Sky, making it impossible to glide from the less accessible ones as a means of transportation.

The most viable option to reach the higher islands is to utilize vehicles. While a hot air balloon may have limitations and could potentially break down midway, the popular flying machine that many players are employing is recommended. With a few battery upgrades specific to Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you should be able to successfully reach those islands. For convenient return access, consider deploying one of the travel medallions obtainable from Robbie after unlocking the necessary Purah pad upgrade in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

How to Defeat King Gleeok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

To defeat King Gleeok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom without resorting to constructing an orbital laser, you will need to excel in various aspects. This entails having an ample number of hearts, a considerable amount of stamina, and possessing both reliable armor and weapons. Failing to meet these requirements can be extremely perilous. Therefore, before delving into specific strategies, it is essential to go through a basic checklist to ensure you are adequately prepared.

Armed with the necessary preparations, you are now ready to engage in the actual brawl, which will likely consist of three distinct phases.

King Gleeok Phase 1

During this phase, Gleeok will soar above you, with each head unleashing beams of energy or large, sluggish projectiles. Some of these attacks may be directed towards your allies, while others will be aimed at you. Here are the fundamental strategies to navigate through this initial phase of the fight:

Once you’ve knocked all three Gleeok heads limp, it’ll fall to the floor, stunned. This is your chance to do some real damage – equip a Frost or Fire weapon and start hitting the opposite element head as much as possible. Once it gets up, it’ll enter Phase 2.

King Gleeok Phase 2

During the second phase, KG remains stationary on the ground, utilizing its wings to generate air currents that exert force in the opposite direction, while also employing the same set of attacks as in the previous phase. Interestingly, this phase is slightly less challenging, possibly due to the fact that the ground resembles Link’s usual environment more closely.

Despite being grounded, you are unable to launch close-range attacks against King Gleeok at this point. The recurring gusts of wind repel you before you can get near it, and any loose weapons or items are forcefully pushed away.

The beam and projectile assaults remain unchanged, and surprisingly, they are somewhat easier to evade. The King’s stationary position reduces its maneuverability slightly, although the larger projectiles descend more quickly since they have a shorter distance to travel.

Apart from these adjustments, your strategy remains identical – focus on targeting the heads until they become lifeless.

Once all three heads have been incapacitated, an opportunity arises to approach and strike again. The subsequent course of action depends on the extent of damage inflicted up to this point: either reverting back to Phase 1 or progressing to Phase 3. Usually, Phase 3 is triggered when King Gleeok has approximately 30% health remaining.

King Gleeok Phase 3

Undoubtedly, the most challenging segment of the battle unfolds during Phase 3 when King Gleeok retreats high into the sky and commences a barrage of projectiles, with illuminated lines indicating their targets. The objective here is to devise a method to reach King Gleeok and shoot arrows at its heads, rendering them immobile for one final time. Various approaches exist to accomplish this task.

King Gleeok Rewards

Typically, each Gleeok serves as a guardian for valuable treasures. For instance, the one found in the Depths safeguards the hat belonging to the Twilight Princess armor set. Additionally, defeating Gleeok may yield rare material drops.

With this accomplishment, you will essentially become the dominant force in Hyrule, or at the very least, someone who understands the destructive potential of strategically utilized springs.

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