How to Build The Best Raft in Stranded Deep

A unique survival game, Stranded Deep places players on an island and requires them to find their way back to civilization. Successfully leaving the island and getting to shore is dependent on being able to build a raft. Here are the best tips for building a strong raft, as well as two designs that you can use in the game.

Tips for Building a Raft

Life Rafts are the starting item for all players in Stranded Deep. The Life Raft isn’t the best place to stay; it’s better to build a raft instead. The more freedom you have when you build your own raft, the further you can explore in terms of distance from your starting point. The following tips will help you build a better raft in Stranded Deep.

Material Gathering

In order to build any vessel, the first step is to gather materials, and this is true for rafts as well. Scavenging around the island can lead to finding wood, leaves, or other materials. In addition to the axe and knife, you’ll need some tools to construct the raft.

Choose a Barrel Base

When all your materials have been collected, it’s time to start building the raft’s base. You can construct your raft base using a barrel base. There are plenty of barrels around the island, and they make a sturdy foundation for your raft. If you want it to remain intact while in use, make sure that it is tightly secured with a rope or vine.

Floors Can Be Made of Steel or Brick

Building your floors is the next step. If you want to build a wall, you should use either steel or bricks. There is no doubt that steel will provide you with the most support and durability, but it will also be heavier and more resource-intensive than the other materials. In addition to being lighter and more stable, bricks can be arranged in a variety of ways. It is possible to build a raft with either type of support.

Propulsion Systems Should Be Considered

Take a moment to think about your propulsion system. Sails are an easy option because they are made from sticks, cloth, and lashings. As a result of the unpredictable currents and wind, sailing in Stranded Deep can be challenging. A motor boat could also be constructed with a motor and fuel tank. Aside from engine parts, fuel tank components, and duct tape, you’ll also need electrical components. The problem with these is that they cannot be found naturally and are usually only found on shipwrecks.

Save Space by Using Crates

In Stranded Deep, using crates is one of the best tips for building a raft. Having crates on your raft will give you more storage space and make it look much neater than having several items scattered about. It is important to choose one that fits your needs, as they come in different sizes. They are also great for storing food, tools, and other supplies, making them a great option for floating homes.

Buy an Anchor and Rudder

Anchors help keep your raft stable and prevent it from drifting away. It is also possible to buy a rudder to increase maneuverability, especially if you are navigating treacherous waters or shorelines. You will be able to stay afloat with either of these items if you build a raft in Stranded Deep.

Stranded Deep’s Best Raft Design

Your raft can be designed in two different ways in Stranded Deep:

Tiny and Fast

With the tiny and fast design, a simple 1X1 raft with only a sail is used. You can use this to get around the islands, but it’s not recommended for long trips. It can be expanded to a 2X1 raft and equipped with a sail, anchor, and motor. If you encounter sharks or storms in the open ocean, this will give you enough speed and stability for further exploration. Tiny rafts don’t hold crates, so you won’t be able to bring as many supplies as you might think.

Small and Full of Storage

A 3×3 raft is a good option if storage is important to you. This type of design allows you to incorporate a crate for storage in the middle of the boat by keeping the center open. There is, however, one thing to keep in mind: extra weight can slow down the raft. By ensuring that all connections are secure and using better materials, you can make the boat extra durable.

Author: Annalyn Butoy