Budget Cuts Ultimate (PSVR2) – A Strong Stealth Adventure

Developed by indie developer Neat Corporation, Budget Cuts Ultimate is a stealth action adventure in virtual reality. TransCorp is a factory that has taken efficiency to a whole new level by automating its employees. You must find out what’s going on in the factory, save humanity, and escape with your life after you receive a mysterious briefcase from an outsider.

The five-hour campaign explores TransCorp’s facility from plain administrative offices to active production lines. By traversing small vents in the walls, you avoid pursuers with a teleportation gun. Using the headset haptics, you’ll teleport, sneak, and stabbing past evil security drones and robots patrolling restricted areas. A room filled with angry robots can be quite thrilling when you duck and dodging your way through them. You need to search through cupboards and drawers for access keys to advance, or items to defend yourself. Knives, scissors, mugs, stationary — whatever you can find, you can throw.

Unfortunately, we encountered some major hand tracking issues during our playthrough. The drifting issue did not seem to be resolved even when resetting the position with the Options button. For a brief period, restarting the application seemed to fix it. Besides the hand tracking, the game has some noticeable jagged visuals, making it difficult to read text and repetitive robot voice lines, breaking the immersion.

A thrilling stealth experience awaits you in Budget Cuts as you dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge your way past robotic pursuers. With a long campaign, headset haptics, and an intriguing story, you’ll want to play it all out. Even though there are some major issues with hand tracking and jagged visuals, we still recommend giving it a shot.


  • A thrilling stealth game.

  • A good story.

  • Usage of headset haptics.

  • Campaign in full.


  • Tracking issues.

  • Rough visuals.

  • Voices that repeat.

This game gets a 7 out of 10.

Author: Maricel Cuico