Lemmings-Inspired Adventure Has Moving Storytelling in Tin Hearts (PS5)

Developed by Rogue Sun in Guildford, Tin Hearts lets you interact with Albert J Butterworth’s memories as a spectral being by controlling wind-up toy soldiers and acquiring objects so they can travel.

The tin soldiers walk straight line as you open a small box at the start of each level. Various toys, triangular blocks, trains, cannons, windmills, drums, and other items will need to be positioned to lead them to the exit.

Moreover, when you make a mistake, you can also pause, speed up, or rewind time. The tin soldier’s fall to his or her doom can be undone in an instant without reloading levels.

You will encounter touching cutscenes played out by spirits as you guide the little men through the family home. Albert reads a bedtime story to his daughter or Albert’s wife plays the harp in the lounge; it’s all presented in the most touching way and suits the game perfectly.

There are some issues with the game, including crashes, camera jars when repositioned, and frame rate issues. The game’s developer is currently working on a patch to resolve these issues.

The few bugs and frame rate issues don’t deter us from recommending Tin Hearts, a charming Lemmings spiritual successor with a moving story.


  • Plays well.

  • Lots of content.

  • Great presentation.

  • Progress is good.

  • Touching storytelling.


  • Slow framerate.

  • A jarring camera position.

  • Slightly unstable.

This game is 7 over 10.

Author: Maricel Cuico