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Fortnite’s Oathbound Items: What Are They?

Oathbound Items in Fortnite for Knights of the Realm Quest

During the ongoing season of Fortnite, a collection of items called Oathbound Items has been introduced, all sharing a common theme. Previously, Fortnite featured the Shockwave Hammer and Ex-Caliber Rifle in Chapter 4, and more recently, the loot pool has been expanded to include the Guardian Shield and Falcon Scout. While weapons that shoot exploding swords and a mechanical bird that brings loot from afar are familiar to players, they are now collectively known as Oathbound Items in Fortnite. If you’re interested in locating these items, be sure to check out their respective in-game locations.

The Oathbound Items in Fortnite

In the realm of Fortnite’s battle royale mode, there exists a set of four distinct weapons or tools known as Oathbound Items, which players have the opportunity to acquire.

These aforementioned items are scattered as randomized floor loot across the entire island in Fortnite. However, there are strategies to enhance the likelihood of discovering them, and even secure specific Fortnite Oathbound Items with certainty.

Fortnite Oathbound Items Locations

To effectively locate Fortnite Oathbound Items, it is advisable to seek out Fortnite Oathbound Chests primarily situated within the dry orange-yellow biomes in the northwest and southeast regions. Furthermore, the provided map indicates several Fortnite characters who serve as vendors for these items. Omega Knight in Secluded Spire offers the Fortnite Shockwave Hammer, Rebel in the Hall of Whispers provides the Fortnite Falcon Scout, and Wild Card sells the Fortnite Ex-Caliber Rifle, which can be found in one of three unpredictable locations.

In addition, there exists a formidable NPC known as the Ageless Champion who actively patrols The Citadel and engages in combat upon sighting any intruders. Should you successfully defeat this hostile NPC, you will be rewarded with two Fortnite Oathbound Items, specifically a Shockwave Hammer and an Ex-Caliber Rifle.

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