Which Star Wars Jedi Survivor Skills Should You First Unlock?

Here are the Jedi Survivor skills you need: Survival, Lightsabers, and Force powers.

The selection of skills for Star Wars Jedi Survivor is vast and the most suitable ones will vary depending on your gameplay style and combat approach. Nonetheless, there are certain skill options in Jedi Survivor that can greatly impact your combat performance, general well-being, and proficiency with Force abilities.

Skills provide more flexibility compared to the various Star Wars Jedi Survivor abilities, gear options, and Force powers available. While some basic options must be unlocked to reach higher levels, you can advance and acquire new skills at your own pace, rather than being restricted by the Jedi Survivor storyline. Therefore, I suggest prioritizing the following Jedi Survivor skills first.

Best Star Wars Jedi Survivor Lightsaber Skills

Your choice of Star Wars Jedi Survivor Lightsaber skills will primarily depend on your preferred lightsaber stance. Nevertheless, there are some lightsaber skills for each stance that we suggest, as they enhance the strengths of each stance.

  • Single
    – Twofold Reflection – Split a deflected blaster bolt into two.
  • Double-Bladed
    – Gathering Tempest – Hold attack for a rapid set of blows. The Endless Hurricane skill extends this.
    – Vortex Dive – Jump forwards for a spinning attack.
    – Multifold Reflections – Hold block to deflect multiple blaster bolts.
  • Dual Wield
    – Uncoiled Strikes – Attack after a pause to unleash a fast round of blows.
    – Twin Vipers – Throw both lightsabers for extra damage.
    – Dancing Blades – Throw both lightsabers and bounce them between targets.
  • Blaster
    – Blaster Cooldown – Increase ammo gained from lightsaber attacks.
    – Improved Clip – Improved clip size.
    – Quick Draw – Use the Force to target multiple enemies with the blaster.
  • Crossguard
    – Greater Cleaving Swing – Reduces the charge time of your heavy attack.
    – Reaching Cleave – Increasing the range of the heavy attack.
    – Charged Reflection – Turns reflected bolts into higher damage charged shots.

Best Star Wars Jedi Survivor Force Skills

Confusion stands out as the top choice among the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Force skill abilities. When you maximize this skill, you can make two opponents fight on your behalf, extend the duration of the effect, and increase their damage output. If you’re fortunate enough, you can take out entire areas with just a couple of easily manipulated Stormtroopers.

Jedi Concentration ranks as the next most valuable skill, allowing you to boost the amount of Force you can utilize and the rate at which you generate it. On the other hand, Telekinesis provides an enjoyable experience, but its effects are primarily limited to pulling and pushing enemies.

Best Star Wars Jedi Survivor Survival Skills

The Jedi Survivor Survival skills primarily focus on enhancing your health and improving the effectiveness of Star Wars Jedi Survivor stim canisters. These skills can increase your healing speed, the amount of health restored by stim canisters, and even your maximum health.

If you possess a significant number of stim canisters, increasing the speed at which they can be used will prove to be beneficial. However, if you do not have many stim canisters, enhancing your maximum health may be a better option. Nevertheless, both of these skills are advantageous in the long run.

Author: Verl Sales