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Where to Consume Fortnite Slap Berries

Boost Your Health and Stamina With Slap Berries in Fortnite

The Fortnite Slap Berries grow in certain parts of the battle royale island, and consuming them gives more than just a small boost to your health or shield. In addition, eating them will imbue you with the same power as Slap Juice and Slap Barrels, allowing you to sprint without being exhausted for a short period of time. Furthermore, you have to eat five berries in a single match for one of the Fortnite quests, so tracking down these fruits is even more tempting. Here’s where to find and how to consume Slap Berries in Fortnite.

The Location of Slap Berries in Fortnite

The map above shows where you can find Fortnite Slap Berries throughout the island, and we have marked as many locations as possible. The berries spawn only in the yellow-brown colored autumnal areas to the northwest and southeast of the island, so if you’re looking for them in the lush green or snowy biomes, you won’t find them. Several of these marked locations have three vines that produce four Slap Berries each, which can be consumed or gathered for later use.

Consuming Slap Berries in Fortnite

Fortnite’s Slap Berries can be consumed in two ways once you find where they grow. When you approach the vine, you can follow the Consume prompt that appears, which will let you devour them right away. If you prefer to use the Gather prompt instead, you can select and interact with the berries as you would with other consumables, adding them to your inventory for later consumption. When you consume a Slap Berry, you gain 5 health or shield and temporarily stop your stamina bar from depleting, so you can sprint without fading. You can stack up to 15 Slap Berries in your inventory.

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