The Best Way to Survive Fortnite’s Storm Phases While Carrying an Epic Weapon

Find Epic Rarity Weapons in Fortnite

As a first step towards surviving storm phases in Fortnite, you must acquire an Epic weapon. However, these weapons are generally not easy to acquire. Fortunately, there is a simple method for locating them, enabling you to complete the Syndicate Part 2 quest quickly. In order to survive Fortnite storm phases, you need a weapon that is epic or higher in rarity.

Getting Epic Weapons in Fortnite

Getting Epic-rarity weapons in Fortnite can be accomplished in three different ways. You can find purple (Epic), orange (Legendary), and gold (Mythic) weapons in floor loot and chests scattered throughout the island. The chances of finding these weapons are relatively slim, so unless you are lucky enough to stumble upon them quickly, you may have to search for an extended period of time without any success.

In Fortnite, you can also acquire Epic-rare weapons by defeating the Highcard Boss at Brutal Bastion, Shattered Slabs, and Mega City. You can unlock a Fortnite vault nearby after defeating the boss, which contains several high-level weapons that you can use to complete the quest. It drops a Mythic Havoc Suppressed Rifle and a keycard after defeating the boss.

You can acquire Epic weapons in Fortnite by purchasing them from characters who sell them exclusively. There are 12 specific NPCs that provide this service, and you can locate them on the map provided above. These weapons are always of Epic rarity.

To sum up, having an Epic-rarity weapon in Fortnite is crucial for surviving storm phases, and it is possible to acquire them in a variety of ways. In Fortnite, players can find them by looting and opening chests, defeating the Highcard Boss, or purchasing them from NPCs that specialize in Epic weapons. Players can improve their chances of winning matches in Syndicate Part 2 by implementing these strategies. Epic-rare weapons greatly improve the chances of surviving storm phases in Fortnite.

Author: Jim Torralba