Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order walkthrough: Zeffo Part 4, Imperial Dig Site

Once you reach the Imperial Dig Site use the Overcharge Panel to lower the zipline and take it down, and then take the second zipline after that. You’ll reach a small door and find two two Security Droids and a Heavy Assault Stormtrooper inside. Once they’re dead use the bench at the back to get the upgrade powered zipline.

Use the upgrade to return via the ziplines to the Meditation Spot where you came in and then use the Overcharge Panel to raise the first zipline to reach a new area. Wall Run to the zipline and then fight the Stormtroopers on the bridge it takes you to. Once they’re dead take the other zipline up and try to let go so you land on the narrow platform it passes.

Star Wars Jedi fallen Order Stim location, Imperial Dig Site

When you make the landing Force Push the door at the end of the beam and then head in for a Sense echo and a Stim Upgrade. If you have Jedi Leap you’ll be able to go back down the way you came, if not you’ll have to loop around to get back to the bridge. When you do head through the door and at the end of the corridor you’ll find a door on the right you can Force Push which will lead to an Overcharge Panel you can use to deactivate the red forcefield as a shortcut back into the room with two Security Droids from earlier.

Go back out and head the other way into a room with an Overcharge Panel where a Purge trooper will jump you. Kill them and use the Overcharge Panel to take down the forcefield and get through.

Head through the deactivated forcefield and you’ll find a Force Echo you can Wall Run up to on the left. Grab that then head out of the door and drop down to the hanging cargo container on the right to reach a zipline to a Wall Run (if you have Force Pull here there’s a rope straight ahead of the door you can use as a shortcut and skip to the lift and Mediation Spot ahead).

There’s a Force echo on the top of the container involved in the Wall Run you can grab as you go past before grabbing the rope and swinging to the Climbable Wall which leads up to a Meditation Spot. (On the right you’ll see some stairs on the right leading to a rope and zipline you can use to reach the Ice Caves and a Stim Upgrade crate you might have emptied while you were there before). Head down the corridor and take the lift on the left when you see it.

At the bottom of the lift there will be a short cutscene before a boss fight with the Second Sister. Again this is unwinnable so just get her health down until you get separated by a forcefield.

Author: Generose Carantes