Fallout 4 Cheats to Survive Your Way Through Apocalypse

It’s hard to survive the irradiated wastes of the post-apocalyptic Commonwealth in Fallout 4 without cheating. Deathclaws, angry survivalists, delirious mutants, and more abound. There are many things out there that are baying for your blood. There are times when you just want to wander out into the waste and soak in the sights (and roads) without having to constantly look over your shoulder. You may be better off flicking that proverbial Fallout 4 cheats switch and becoming an invincible god who teleports from one end of the map to the other.

Once you start cheating in Fallout 4, your imagination is the limit… or the game’s internal logic (turning on too many cheats at once may cause the game to crash). Sadly, these cheats aren’t available to console players at the moment, but you can always check out some of the best Fallout 4 mods to see if they can help. Here are all the console commands you need to utterly trivialize this post-apocalyptic epic.

Console Commands In Fallout 4

Using Fallout 4 console commands is as simple as hitting the Tilde key in-game to reveal the developer console, then entering the command code with the required variables. As with many PC games, you can stack multiple effects by typing in multiple commands and then pressing the Tilde again once you’re done to return to the game and see your changes. In most cases, typing the same command again reverses the original effect.

The chances are that some of these commands (or combinations of them) can cause game-breaking glitches (or crash everything) in any game where you experiment with modification codes and play in ways that weren’t intended. It is therefore imperative that you create a backup save before you start messing about, so you have a ‘safe’ state to fall back on if you accidentally mess up everything. Using these Fallout 4 cheats will also disable achievements, so you’ll need to stay legit if you want to continue earning them.

Player Fallout 4 Console Commands

  • tgm
    Turn on God mode, for full invincibility to damage and radiation, plus infinite ammo and carry capacity etc
  • tim
    Turn on Immortal mode, where you can take damage but will never die. This can irreparably break your character if you get decapitated or lose a limb from a kill animation
  • tcl
    Turn on No-clip mode, so you can walk in the air and through walls
  • player.resethealth
    Refills your health to full
  • showlooksmenu player 1
    Change your appearance – make sure your face in visible on screen
  • showspecialmenu
    Change your name and assign SPECIAL points
  • csb
    Clears any blood, dust etc effects from your screen
  • coc CellID
    Teleport to the specified CellID location.
  • coc qasmoke
    Teleport to a testing room containing almost every item in the game. Use the command again with a different CellID to exit
  • player.additem ItemID #
    Change the ItemID to the item you wish to put in your inventory, and # to the amount of that item you want.
  • player.setav VariableID #
    Sets the stated VariableID to the entered amount to alter your stats.
  • player.setav speedmult #
    Sets the speed of your character to the entered value, where 100 is standard and 200 is double speed
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin #
    Sets the height of your jump, where 90 is standard. If you increase this too much then you will take fall damage when jumping, unless you also enter setgs fjumpfallheightmult 0 or enable God mode
  • player.addperk PerkID
    It adds the specified PerkID to your character. Note that you also need to add any preceding perks in the order they unlock
  • CGF “Game.AddPerkPoints” #
    Add the specific number of Perk Points, which can then be spent
  • player.setlevel #
    Replace # with the level to set your player to
  • lock
    Point at a door, terminal, safe etc then use these codes to lock or unlock them
  • activate
    Point at a object then use this code to activate it when normally a switch or other trigger is required

World Fallout 4 Console Commands

  • tm
    Toggle the GUI display – this also turns off the console command display, so you’ll need to enter ~tm again to see what you’re typing
  • tmm 1
    Turn on all map markers, switch 1 with 0 to turn them all off, or 1,0,1 to turn them all on as undiscovered (no fast travel)
  • tfc
    Enter free camera mode, add 1 to pause the game
  • screenshot
    Take a screenshot and save it in the root Fallout4.exe directory
  • sucsm #
    Replace # to alter the speed of the free camera, use 10 for half speed, 20 for default,  or 40 for double speed
  • tfow
    Toggles the fog on the local map
  • gr
    Toggles God-Ray
  • tg
    Toggles grass
  • ts
    Toggles sky display
  • tws
    Toggles water display
  • set timescale to #
    Change # to determine the speed time passes at (number of game seconds per actual second), where 1 is realtime and 20 is default
  • sgtm #
    Change # to determine the game speed multiplier, where 0.5 is half speed and 2 is double speed etc. Going too high can crash the game
  • fw WeatherID
    sw WeatherID

    Replace WeatherID with the type of weather you want to activate, using fw to instantly activate it or sw for a gradual change.
Author: Ainah Fandino