Albion Online Review

Graphically, this game has some Runescape vibes. The combat style reminds me of a simplified World of Warcraft. There are not many graphics in this game because it is playable on mobile as well as PC, so it cannot have amazing graphics otherwise it wouldn’t work well on mobile devices. UI is basic, likely to accommodate mobile devices. As there are no races or classes in the game, it’s purely aesthetic, so creating a character is quite easy. In the beginner experience, you do quests and learn combat, gathering, and crafting basics. With their crowd control, Tanks can provide great frontline support in huge PvP battles or guild conflicts. This is something I like about Tanks. Usually, Tanks have no real role or function in group PvP, focusing on damage and evasion, but Albion Online seems to have found a way to use Tanks.

For starters, you are in safe zones that do not allow solo PvP. It is necessary to go to Yellow, Red, or Black zones if you wish to do harder content or collect higher level materials. Yellow zone PvE content is not possible if you aren’t flagged for PvP, but you can still get attacked and knocked down by other players. If you die in the Red or Black zones, you’ll lose all your gear. Although I haven’t experienced what it’s like yet, I know you’ll get into a lot of PvP battles with other players, and even encounter groups of gankers.

In Albion Online, PvP is a big deal, and it appears to have some real influence. If you’re a tank, join up with a guild as soon as you can, especially if you’re venturing into PvP zones, which you’ll need to do to access some of the harder PvE content. You can find the guild you’re looking for in the guild menus. We participated in some group dungeons in a yellow area that were quite fun and very profitable, but the maps can be expensive. It is worth trying Albion Online. The game is currently thriving and has been updated several times in recent months making it a fun game to play. There are always groups to do content with as a Tank.

The game is a bit of a grind since you need a constant supply of silver or materials. No matter what you decide to do, you are still progressing your character no matter what. You can craft or buy and sell pretty much everything, so there is always something to do. Albion Online has a strong end game vibe with hard PvE expeditions, and if you join up with a good guild, you can participate in some exciting PvP. Casual players can enjoy the calmer features such as crafting, gathering, farming, and safe areas, but you might not find enough to do if you don’t do PvP or guilds.

If you’ve never played a Tank before, Albion Online is a great place to start. With only one weapon slotted at a time and six abilities to use, the role isn’t difficult to master. It is relatively easy to move around in dungeons and expeditions. The biggest learning curve is the number of enemies you need to pull, stack them together, and avoid getting damaged too much. After mastering this and combining it with your threat generation, you can apply that knowledge to each dungeon and expedition. Even though Albion Online lacks quests and is a sandbox style game, they have found a way to keep players engaged in the content.

Author: Rencie Veroya