Get Unlimited Money, DNA Points, and Customize your Creatures with the Spore Cheats

You will have total control over your creations and the world they populate if you have some Spore cheats at your disposal. By typing in some of the simple Spore cheat codes that we’ve listed, you’ll get additional money so you can keep spending or unlock levels early, as well as completely change how the game looks and a whole bunch of customization options. As soon as you see the Joker Badge, you won’t be able to earn achievements due to the code entered. Don’t save after that point, unless you don’t plan to unlock awards in the future. Here is some Spore cheats to help get you started.

How To Use Spore Cheat Codes

Press Ctrl+Shift+C to open the console screen and type one of the following commands into the console. Hit Enter to close the console after typing.

Spore Cheat Codes List

  • moreMoney – get $2,000 in civilization and $1,000,000 in space
  • refillMotives – replenish your health along with other motives
  • addDNA – get 150 DNA points
  • unlockSuperWeaponssuper weapons are unlocked
  • spaceCreate – unlocks and recharges creation tools while playing in space
  • freedom [on/off] – disables (on) or re-enables (off) editor complexity limits. Creations that break the limits will not be pollinated
  • evoadvantage – enter this cheat when starting the Creature game to choose any creature from the Sporepedia, so you can start the game with one of your more evolved creatures
  • levels -unlock – enter at the main menu to unlock all stages, some achievements may not be gained if you choose to use this code
  • levels -unlockAdventures enter the main menu to unlock all Maxis adventures
  • SetTime [h, m] – set the time for your Avatar’s position, and optionally a speed multiplier
  • universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency # – set the rate at pirates to raid your system
  • universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency # – set the rate pirates raid allies
  • universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency # – set the rate at pirates steal spice
  • movie – see all movies
  • blocksmode – Turns creatures into their blocky representations
  • highresTextureLevel [off/low/medium/high] – adjust the quality of vehicle and building textures

  • stylefilter [style] – apply the following unique looks to your game:
  • stylefilter -filmNoir
  • stylefilter -microscope
  • stylefilter -nextgen
  • stylefilter -norainbows
  • stylefilter -oilPaint
  • stylefilter -none – remove any filters used
  • adventureLook [style] – apply the following unique looks to your published adventure:
  • adventureLook -eightbit
  • adventureLook -filmnoir
  • adventureLook -norainbows
  • adventureLook -sepia
  • adventureLook -sixteenbit
  • adventureLook -watercolor
  • adventureLook -none – remove any filters used
  • killallhints – get rid of all hints
  • help – provides a list of cheat commands
  • help [cheat code] – provides more details for that particular cheat command
  • help -full – provides a more detailed description of cheat commands
  • history – gives you a list of your last commands
  • option – displays a list of options
  • prop – display/modify properties
  • clear – clear console
  • quit – quit the game
Author: Ainah Fandino