How Safe Are Game Keys?

It’s possible to get scammed by game key platforms. How do scammers use game keys? What’s a good site to check out? There’s a lot of money in gaming. Everybody has played video games at some point, whether it’s on a PC, console, or handheld device. Game keys are one way to buy video games today. Is buying and using game keys safe?

How do game keys work?


There’s no need to go to a store to buy a video game anymore. Nowadays, game keys let you buy virtual versions of video games. They’re often called CD keys or game keys. It looks like voucher codes, but it’s just long strings of letters and numbers. Games keys work pretty much the same way as online vouchers.

You’ll get a gift card or voucher when you buy a game key. What makes game keys different is they don’t give you money; they give you the game. You can access and play the game once you’ve unlocked it with the game key code. As soon as you enter the code, you can play the game.

Using the search bar or filtered categories on a key site, you can find the key you want. It’s instant if there’s still one available when you find the one you want. The game key will usually be emailed to you after you pay. PayPal is available on some sites, while others accept credit or debit cards. Game keys can even be bought with cryptocurrency on some sites.

In comparison to your typical online game, game keys are on a different platform. For instance, Steam sells all kinds of video games, some free and others for a lot of cash. Sellers of game keys can, however, offer these games cheaper. Because they buy a lot of games in bulk, games key sites can often sell them cheaper (like Costco sells products in bulk for a lower price).

Steam, Epic Games, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, and other platforms now have game keys.

Game key sites are popular with people looking for a bargain, but don’t expect to get the game keys you want for a bargain price. Even if you access it differently, you still get the same product. That doesn’t mean game keys aren’t discounted. Some of these sites have real steals. Especially for newer and more popular games, don’t expect a huge price drop.

Despite their growing popularity, game keys have also attracted malicious actors who want to take advantage of it, putting people at risk. You can get into trouble with game keys here. Does that mean all game keys are bad?

Does it matter if I have a game key?

On the game key market, you’ve got good guys and bad guys. You can get video games on a lot of sites that are entirely safe. It’s not all good though. Cybercriminals can easily get fake or nonexistent game keys because game keys are virtual. It’s easy for a scammer to trick a victim into paying for something that they’re never going to get if they create a convincing website, use the right language, and offer sought-after products.

You can get scammed on even the most popular platforms if you have a game key. You can resell your own game keys on some game key sites. Taking advantage of public marketplaces makes it even easier for scammers to trick buyers, since they make it that much easier for them. This can be done by buying a game key from a seller, and even having it emailed to you. The key doesn’t exist, or has already been used, on your chosen gaming platform. Your money is already in the scammer’s pocket.

Those who scam game keys won’t always just be looking for one-time payments. Malicious sites can steal all your info, including credit card numbers. While shopping for game keys on such a site, you may end up giving highly sensitive data to cybercriminals without even realizing it. Furthermore, some scammers also ask for “review keys”. Under the guise of reviewing a new game, scammers get free access to it. It’s more likely that the scammer will resell the game key somewhere else.

Game Keys: How to buy them safely?

First, check out well-reviewed sites before you buy game keys. You can tell a lot about a retailer by looking at other customers’ reviews, and whether you can trust them. Look for reviews outside of the website itself if you find a game key site you’re interested in to get a real, non-biased idea of how it works. Furthermore, you should avoid using your raw credit card numbers if possible, especially on unknown websites. When you’re dealing with a new site, use a payment vendor like PayPal to facilitate payments safely.

See how the process works in the “About Us” or “FAQ” section of your chosen game key seller. You get your key pretty soon after payment, but some sites have stipulations, like a delay in key delivery. You’ll get a better understanding of what you’re paying for if you look at the transaction process.

Risks come with game keys.

Games keys let you find and play online games at discounts. Definitely a win, but recognize the risks. We’ve got tips for buying game keys safely, so keep them in mind if you’re looking to buy game keys.

Author: Khate Dizon